5437 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… hepatitis B or hepatitis C in people who received HBIg. Who should get hepatitis B immune globulin? You should get one … 14 days after the exposure. HBIg is recommended for the following: People exposed to blood known or suspected to be … fever, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine, pale stools and jaundice (yellowing of the …
Health topics
… often appear on the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet, or lower back. Psoriasis is most common in adults. But children and … your skin is very sensitive. Here are some tips you can try to help protect your skin and keep it moist. Avoid harsh …
… until you are ready to take it. With dry hands, peel back the foil on the blister pack to carefully remove the … tablet. Place the tablet on your tongue right away and allow it to dissolve on your tongue. Do not split or chew the … have any of the following symptoms: fever muscle stiffness/pain/tenderness/weakness severe tiredness severe confusion …
Health topics
… But if you are having a lupus flare or are taking corticosteroid medicines, you may have irregular menstrual cycles. … lupus is under control for at least 6 months before they try to become pregnant. Some women with lupus need to take … lupus is under control for at least 6 months before they try to become pregnant. Some women with lupus need to take …
Health topics
… to see how well treatment is working and if cancer has come back (recurred) after treatment. Some tumour markers help … also can be used to predict when to start treatment again. Low or no levels of tumour markers usually mean that … markers to see if hormone therapy or targeted therapies should be part of the treatment plan. PSA (prostate-specific …
Health topics
… are plenty of tips and tricks you can use to get yourself back on track and stay there. Let's begin with these key … goals in mind, like controlling your high blood pressure or lowering your cholesterol. Are those goals the same today? … that you want to do tomorrow and the day after. Did you try to take on too much too fast? That's a reason why some …
Health topics
… body systems seem to be out of balance. POTS may follow certain triggers such as a viral illness, a surgery, or … These practices can be a key part of helping the body get back in balance. Drink plenty of fluids. For many people, … tells you to. Salt helps keep up the body's fluid level. Try a special exercise program. Your doctor may give you a …
Health topics
… Information Overview Venous skin ulcers develop when the lower leg veins are weakened and cannot efficiently move the blood back toward the heart. Pooled blood and fluid in the lower … to help prevent fluid from pooling in the legs. You should wear these stockings every day from the time you wake …
… in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new … you already had, possibly causing disease symptoms to come back. You could also have symptoms if your immune system … go away headaches that are severe or don't go away joint pain numbness/tingling of the hands/feet/arms/legs vision …
Medical tests
… and electrolytes in the body. Find out if you have swallowed a poison, such as rubbing alcohol, wood alcohol, or … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … kidneys to lose water and produce large amounts of urine. Low values Low levels may be caused by: Too much water in …