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5437 results found
… Hydrocortisone suppositories help to relieve rectal pain, itching, bloody diarrhea, and bleeding by reducing … rectum with your finger, deep enough so it does not slide back out. Remain lying down for a few minutes. Avoid having … a long time. Tell your doctor right away if any of the following side effects occur: unusual/extreme tiredness weight …
Health topics
… eating is eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat milk products. Healthy snacks are a great way to … If your favourite high-fat snack is potato chips and dip, try baked tortilla chips with bean dip or hummus instead. … of fruit doesn't appeal to you, try dipping fruit slices in low-fat yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon or nutmeg. Be …
Health topics
… why you are tired. It is important that you and your doctor try to find the cause. Many of the things that cause fatigue … better. Your fatigue may be caused by one or more of the following: Having the virus itself Taking HIV medicines Taking other medicines, including those for pain, depression or anxiety , neuropathy, high blood …
Health topics
… a soft face cloth. Rinse well and dry completely. Use a blow-dryer on a warm setting to get the area fully dry. If … better or if signs of infection develop (such as increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness). How to clean someone's … Rinse. Pat dry. If the penis is uncircumcised, gently pull back the foreskin and clean underneath it. Don't scrub the …
Health topics
… a GBS infection, it can be serious. So all pregnant women should be offered screening between 35 and 37 weeks A swab … periods during the day and/or night. Healthy babies may slow down slightly toward the end of pregnancy, but they do … healthcare provider requests it Non-stress test: This is a painless test done with an electronic fetal monitor to check …
… attack), even though formoterol is usually used to cause a slower, longer-lasting effect. To treat an asthma attack, … as far as it will go in one direction and then turning it back as far as it will go in the other direction. Breathe … if you have any very serious side effects, including: chest pain fast/slow/irregular heartbeat severe dizziness fainting …
Medical tests
… ) is present. Check to see if iron treatment to raise or lower the iron level is working. How To Prepare In general, … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … as the pancreas or heart, can affect how the organ works. Low values Low ferritin levels often mean an iron deficiency …
HealthLinkBC files
… enough calcium later in life helps keep bones strong and slows bone loss. It also helps muscles, nerves and hormones … vitamin D helps your body better absorb calcium from foods. Should I take a supplement? Use the food sources table below … More Information). If you are not getting enough calcium, try eating more foods that contain it. If you find it hard …
Health topics
… home in the seams of your clothing or bedding (sheets, pillows, and blankets). They're most often spread by contact … and their bodies regularly. Clothes, bedding, and towels should be machine-washed in hot water and dried on the hot … body, clothes, or bedding. To prevent body lice from coming back, try to bathe and wash clothes and bedding at least …
Health topics
… it get too big. Or maybe your spleen no longer works as it should. The doctor also may remove the spleen if it was … it get too big. Or maybe your spleen no longer works as it should. The doctor also may remove the spleen if it was …