5442 results found
Health topics
… Calcium buildup in the tendons. The buildup can cause a painful condition called calcific tendinopathy . Partial or … Normal wear and tear. Using your shoulder for many years slowly damages the rotator cuff. As you age, everyday … are being pinched. Learn more Good Posture for a Healthy Back Symptoms A rotator cuff disorder causes pain and …
Health topics
… Heartburn is a feeling of burning, warmth, heat, or pain that often starts in the upper belly just below the lower breastbone (sternum). This discomfort may … of heartburn Heartburn occurs when food and stomach juices back up (reflux) into the esophagus. This is the tube that …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview A hip injury and pain can make it hard to walk, go up and down stairs, squat, … a specific injury, especially if your symptoms began slowly or during everyday activities. Overuse injuries occur … injured. Put a pillow between your knees. Or sleep on your back with pillows under your knees. Don't use aspirin for …
Health topics
… Overview Many people don't feel well after surgery. Pain, nausea, and a lack of energy may occur even after a minor surgery. In most cases, if you get some rest and follow the instructions your surgeon gave you, you will feel … showering or bathing. You'll also learn when you can get back to your regular activities. If you have any questions …
Health topics
… Regional anesthesia is the use of medicines to block pain from an area of the body such as an arm or a leg or the … be used for total joint replacements of the knee, hip, or shoulder. It may also be used during childbirth. Types of … for procedures on the hands, arms, feet, legs, or face. Epidural and spinal anesthesia. Medicine is given near the …
Health topics
… work-related tasks, or projects around the home. Neck pain may feel like a "kink," stiffness, or severe pain. Pain may spread to the shoulders, upper back, or arms. Or it may cause a headache. Neck movement may … while you work, watch TV, or read. Sleeping on a pillow that's too high or too flat or that doesn't support your …
Health topics
… are common. Almost everyone will have some rectal itching, pain, or bleeding at some time. These problems are often … adults. Hemorrhoids . These are enlarged veins near the lower end of the rectum or outside the anus. An infection of … Also avoid taking too much vitamin C. Slowly add the items back to your diet, one at a time, to help find the cause of …
Health topics
… as they should. Symptoms may include numbness, tingling, or pain in the back and legs. The condition is rare. It can be caused by: … on managing symptoms. Symptoms Symptoms may include: Low back numbness, tingling, burning, or pain. Headaches. …
Health topics
… What is a heart attack? A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. Without blood and the oxygen it … when to call for help. Symptoms of angina include chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Some … people feel pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders …
Health topics
… doctor about over-the-counter medicine. It may help relieve pain and bleeding. What controls your menstrual cycle? Your … hypothalamus and pituitary gland send hormone signals back and forth with your ovaries . These signals get the … also change your cycle. They include birth control pills, low body fat, losing a lot of weight, being overweight, …