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5442 results found
Health topics
… diseases happen when mitochondria don't work the way they should. Mitochondria are tiny parts of the cells in your … diseases happen when mitochondria don't work the way they should. Mitochondria are tiny parts of the cells in your …
Health topics
… are awake at night. Starting at about 30 to 32 weeks, you should feel your baby move several times a day. Babies … are awake at night. Starting at about 30 to 32 weeks, you should feel your baby move several times a day. Babies …
Health topics
… 1-888-875-3163 throughout B.C. 604-875-3163 from the Lower Mainland Sex Sense Line Offers general sexual and … ( 1-800-739-7367 ) throughout B.C. 604-731-7803 from the Lower Mainland If you have been forced to have sex without … in place and be used as regular birth control, the EPC should not be. The EPC is designed to keep you from getting …
Health topics
… someone asks for their personal information or photos, they should tell you. If it's not a friend they know and trust in … watch for content that is sexual or not age-appropriate. Follow your child on social media. This will help you know if … watch for content that is sexual or not age-appropriate. Follow your child on social media. This will help you know if …
Healthy eating
… made with whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables and lowfat milk products. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for all sports. Follow the Guidelines by offering at least 50% of prepackaged … eating Involve students in choosing which food and drinks should be sold at sporting events from the Sell Most and …
Health topics
… Also discuss what will happen if your child doesn't follow the plan. Help your child understand that limits on … child matures. For example, some experts say that preteens should not be on social media. But many teens rely on social … Also discuss what will happen if your child doesn't follow the plan. Help your child understand that limits on …
Health topics
… the doctor visits you. If you're going in for surgery, follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and … and multiply. Blood Transfusions: Should I Bank Blood Before Surgery? Navigating Your Hospital … the doctor visits you. If you're going in for surgery, follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and …
Health topics
… The most common symptom of male breast cancer is a painless lump or swelling behind the nipple. Other symptoms … breast lump in an adult male is thought to be abnormal and should be checked out by a doctor. How is it diagnosed? Most … hormones that cause certain cancers to grow. This helps slow or stop cancer growth. Radiation therapy. This uses …
Health topics
… how often to have them vary from province to province. You should discuss the benefits and harms of mammograms with … Task Force on Preventive Health Care recommends the following guidelines. footnote 1 Ages 40 to 49: Regular … Task Force on Preventive Health Care recommends the following guidelines. footnote 1 Ages 40 to 49: Regular …
Health topics
… It means that your heart is not pumping as well as it should. There is more than one type of heart failure, so you … This is the side that pumps blood to the body. The heart's lower chamber, called the left ventricle, either cannot pump … ventricle cannot pump blood well. The ejection fraction is lower than normal. Heart failure with preserved ejection …