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5440 results found
Health topics
… Symptoms of a broken collarbone include: Immediate pain after falling or being hit on the collarbone or in the … The affected area and look for a lump or bump. Blood flow, by taking your pulse and checking your skin colour and … 6 weeks, until you can start exercises to get your strength back. Most people have returned to all their activities by …
Health topics
… Drinking and Your Health On this page: Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines Health Benefits and Risks of … within the recommended limits. Drinking at the upper limits should only happen once in a while, not every day or week. … the amount of alcohol you drink, see: Quick Tips: Cutting Back on Drinking . If you're still finding it hard to …
Health topics
… area of the head, such as the temple area or the side or back of the head, could be more serious. Yes Only swelling … injury? Some examples are:  A fall onto the head. A hard blow to the head, a car crash or a forceful sports injury.   … in an adult or older child may include: Severe neck or back pain. Not being able to move a part of the body. (This is …
Health topics
… What are the symptoms? Often a Baker's cyst causes no pain. You may not notice symptoms unless the cyst becomes … the knee can tear open and drain into the tissues of the lower leg. This can cause swelling and redness in that part … causing a lot of pain, your doctor may give you a shot of steroid medicine to reduce swelling. You may need to use a …
Health topics
… pregnant. Pregnancy Do you have moderate or severe belly pain? This is not the cramping type of pain you have with … by a degree or more and still be considered normal. If a low body temperature is the only symptom, it’s usually not … fever No Recurrent fever Have you travelled to another country in the past 6 weeks? Yes Recent travel No Recent travel …
Health topics
… Basics What are muscle cramps? A muscle cramp is a strong, painful contraction or tightening of a muscle that comes on … to cold water. Other medical conditions, such as blood flow problems (peripheral arterial disease), kidney disease, … How are muscle cramps treated? If cramps keep coming back, bother you a lot, or interfere with your sleep, your …
Medical tests
… in the early morning (between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.) and lowest in the evening (between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m.). ACTH … Be sure to ask your doctor if there are any foods that you should not eat. Many medicines can change the results of … or physical stress (such as recent surgery or severe pain). Diseases such as Addison's disease (failure of the …
Health topics
… preventing and controlling nausea and vomiting. Your doctor should be able to find one that works for you. Prevent … (Zofran). Antinausea drugs can be given as pills you swallow, through your vein ( IV ), or as shots. Some drugs are … for taking your antinausea medicines and to report back about how well they are working. If you have nausea and …
Health topics
… In order to help them cope with these feelings, they follow a strict diet to try to lose weight. But over time the … or diuretics often. Has teeth marks or calluses on the back of the hands or swollen cheeks or jaws. These are … can lead to diarrhea, weakness, low blood pressure, chest pain, and trouble breathing. A person can die from prolonged …
Health topics
… immune system may attack and damage the stomach lining. Low levels of iron or vitamin B12. What are the symptoms? … make you feel sick to your stomach. Symptoms may include pain, discomfort, or bloating in the upper part of the … acid. If gastritis doesn't get better or it keeps coming back, see your doctor. They may recommend treatment such as: …