5437 results found
Health topics
… the person we most want to be. Exploring what's holding you back A good place to start is to ask a simple question: … important." "I don't have a good plan." "I'm not sure about trying something new." Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? Maybe something else is holding you back. Finding ways to recharge Doing something to manage …
Health topics
… This is damage to peripheral nerves . These nerves sense pain, touch, hot, and cold. They also affect movement and muscle strength. The nerves in the feet and lower legs are most often affected. This type of nerve … polyradiculoneuropathy. It often affects nerves in the back and chest. These types of nerve damage happen all of a …
Health topics
… you take. You're an older adult. As you age, your body slows down. Some medicines stay in your body longer. One … to your doctor or pharmacist for help taking your medicine. Try to take each of your medicines at the same time each … and post it someplace where you will see it often. The list should include the name of each medicine, the dose, how …
Health topics
… You may get medicine to make you relaxed and help with pain or discomfort. You will lie on a table. The lithotripsy … the doctor's office or clinic for about 2 hours. You can go back to your normal routine right away. Most stones pass … a kidney stone that is causing pain or blocking the urine flow. Stones that are between 4 mm (0.16 in.) and 2 cm (0.8 …
Health topics
… your child know what to expect will go a long way toward lowering fear and stress. Here are some things to try: Talk … keep. For example, don't promise that there won't be any pain. Instead, be encouraging: Getting a shot may hurt, but … know it's normal to feel afraid or even angry. Your child shouldn't feel embarrassed by these feelings. And your child …
Medical tests
… may be done to: Find out why a peptic ulcer keeps coming back. Check for certain diseases, such as tumours of the … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … a large portion of the intestines (small bowel resection). Low levels Low gastrin levels may be caused by …
Medical tests
… by the intestines, and its level in blood and urine is low. Why It Is Done A test for D-xylose is done to: Check to … before having this test. Children younger than 9 years old should not eat or drink anything except water for 4 hours … might feel a quick sting or pinch. Urine test There is no pain while collecting a 5-hour urine sample. Risks Blood …
Health topics
… in pleasurable activities plus four or more of the following symptoms for 2 weeks or longer, you may be depressed. … glass, or wood). People doing these acts usually are not trying to kill themselves, but the results can still be … think there is no other way to solve the problem or end the pain. Seek Care Today Based on your answers, you may need …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Why should I quit smoking? There are many reasons to quit … For many people, these include: Improve your health and lower your risk of smoking-caused illness, like heart and … 2. Pick your quit day Pick the day you’re going to quit. Try to pick a day that is no more than 2 weeks away so you …
Health topics
… wake up feeling more refreshed. You might want to start slowly at first. Pick one thing to change, and see how that … the way of a good night's sleep. Step by step, your sleep should improve. If it doesn't, talk to your doctor. Food and … If you notice that your partner is sleeping on his or her back, turn your partner to his or her side. This may help …