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5437 results found
Medical tests
… large intestine (colon and rectum). It may also be called a lower gastrointestinal (GI) examination. The test is used to … into the large intestine. Check on belly symptoms such as pain, blood in stool, or altered bowel habits. Check on … your anal sphincter muscle (as if you were trying to hold back a bowel movement) against the tube may help. Taking …
… roll the vial or cartridge, turning it upside down and back 10 times to mix the medication. Do not shake the … upper arm. Do not inject into a vein or muscle because very low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) may occur. Do not rub the … or damaged. Do not inject cold insulin because this can be painful. The insulin container you are currently using can …
Health topics
… they need for physical activity. Have a healthy snack. Try an apple, a whole-wheat bagel, or a handful of baby carrots if you're running low on energy. Nutrition bars are convenient, but be sure to … for 5 to 10 minutes actually gives you more energy. Switch back and forth between rest and exercise. Gradually …
Health topics
… it again. What are the symptoms? Swimmer's ear can be very painful. The pain can get worse when you touch the earlobe … include itching, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and a yellowish or brownish discharge from the ear. Your ear canal … asleep and burn yourself. In severe cases, the ear canal should be carefully cleaned out by an ear specialist. …
Health topics
… Overview For moderate to severe pain from osteoarthritis , try applying heat and cold to the affected joints. … clock to go off in 20 minutes. Use heating pads set on low or medium, never on high. Try putting cold packs on a …
Medical tests
… embolism . This is a blood clot that prevents normal blood flow in the lung. Two types of lung scans are usually done … use during the test. During the scan, you might lie on your back with the scanning camera over or under your chest. Or … a brief sting or pinch. Otherwise, a lung scan is usually painless. You may find it hard to stay still. Ask for a …
… or other eye diseases (such as ocular hypertension). Lowering high pressure inside the eye helps to prevent … need to shake the container more than once. Tilt your head back, look upward and pull down the lower eyelid to make a … you have any serious side effects, including: dizziness eye pain/swelling/discharge slow/irregular heartbeat muscle …
Health topics
… plenty of sleep at night and rest during the day Get neck, shoulder, face, and scalp massages Apply a cool or warm washcloth to your forehead and the back of your neck Drink two cups of water and take some … smelly, or coloured discharge Light-headedness Stand up slowly Eat regularly and often Shortness of breath This is …
Health topics
… Note the day that you insert a new vaginal ring, then follow these steps. Use your fingers to tuck the vaginal ring … an extra method of birth control until the ring has been back in your vagina for 7 days in a row. If you lose a vaginal ring, insert a new ring as soon as you can. Follow the same schedule as described above. The best day to …
Health topics
… straight, or it may be a little bent. You may not be allowed to put weight on your leg. You will need crutches. … will start physiotherapy right away. How soon you can get back to walking, driving, and doing more vigorous activities … in rehab. When you can go back to work will depend on your pain and the type of work you do. It could be a few days to …