5437 results found
Health topics
… of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A baby with a low birth weight. Babies with low weight at birth can have … smoking right away. If you're pregnant and can't stop yet, try to cut down as much as you can. Talk to your doctor … Each time you start smoking again, think about why you went back to smoking and why it's important to quit. Remind …
Health topics
… such as Tylenol, helps reduce fever and relieve pain. It does not reduce inflammation, as do non-steroidal … cause stomach upset and other side effects. Be sure to follow these medicine precautions. Your child's … to your child's doctor or a pharmacist before switching back and forth between doses of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. …
Medical tests
… sex organs (testicles or ovaries) are working as they should. Why It Is Done The amounts of FSH and other hormones … ovarian function before age 40 (premature ovarian failure). Low egg supply (ovarian reserve). Menopause has occurred. … values in children may mean that puberty is about to start. Low values Low FSH values may mean: A woman is not producing …
… severe drowsiness, chills, blue/cold skin, muscle pain, fast/difficult breathing, slow/irregular heartbeat, or stomach pain with … stop, severe stomach/abdominal pain which may spread to the back) This medication does not usually cause low blood sugar …
… severe drowsiness, chills, blue/cold skin, muscle pain, fast/difficult breathing, slow/irregular heartbeat, or stomach pain with … stop, severe stomach/abdominal pain which may spread to the back) This medication does not usually cause low blood sugar …
… health needs. Uses This medication is used to treat eye pain and swelling (inflammation) after cataract surgery. … doctor before you begin using them again. Tilt your head back, look upward, and pull down the lower eyelid to make a pouch. Hold the dropper directly over …
Medical tests
… blood vessels. A cardiac catheterization can check blood flow in the coronary arteries. It also checks the function of … any necklaces, bracelets, rings, or other jewellery. You should also remove nail polish from your fingernails and … Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get …
… US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that quinine should not be used to treat leg cramps. It has not been … tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Quinine may cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), especially during pregnancy. … (such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, abdominal pain, severe weakness, yellow skin/eyes, unusually dark …
HealthLinkBC files
… baby. If you are pregnant and want to travel, you should speak with your health care provider to discuss your … Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Polio. You may also need the following vaccines: Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Influenza Rabies … following: Vaginal bleeding (passing clots or tissue) Belly pain or cramps Contractions Your water breaks Excessive (a …
… type) or other eye diseases (such as ocular hypertension). Lowering high pressure inside the eye helps to prevent … before putting in your contact lenses. Tilt your head back, look up, and pull down the lower eyelid to make a … including: vision changes eye sensitivity to light eye pain/swelling/discharge slow/irregular heartbeat muscle …