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3109 results found
… for good health. Most people get enough pyridoxine in their diet, but certain health conditions (such as pregnancy, poor … it to start to work but will not decrease the effect. Swallow the medication whole with a full glass of water. Do not … it to start to work but will not decrease the effect. Swallow the medication whole with a full glass of water. Do not …
… doesn't stop, loss of appetite, stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine) unusual weight loss eye pain … disease diabetes high blood pressure (hypertension) unusual diets (such as fasting) This drug may make you drowsy. … doesn't stop, loss of appetite, stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine) unusual weight loss eye pain …
Health topics
… caused by a car crash, a fall from a high place, a direct blow to the back or the top of the head, a high-energy fall … as osteoporosis . Slumping or slouching alone may not cause low back pain. But after the back has been strained or … such as a problem with a disc or bones in your back. Low back pain may occur in children and teens. It's often …
Health topics
… give warfarin to reduce the risk of blood clots. Warfarin slows the time it takes for your blood to clot. That means it … safely? These steps can help you take warfarin safely. Follow the instructions for taking warfarin properly. Take your … Talk with your doctor before making big changes in your diet. Check with your doctor before you start a diet to lose …
Health topics
… get the care you need. Go to all your doctor visits, and follow your doctor's or midwife's advice about what to do and … to lose weight. Your baby needs you to eat a well-rounded diet. Don't cut out foods or go on any type of weight-loss … pregnant, talk to your doctor or midwife about how you can slowly get more active. If you're not pregnant yet, what can …
Health topics
… may have a hard time being active or eating a balanced diet. They may also have unhealthy habits, like smoking. … when you feel depressed. These things may also help lower the chance of depression coming back. Get regular … when you feel depressed. These things may also help lower the chance of depression coming back. Get regular …
Health topics
… pressure is higher and if a healthy lifestyle doesn't help lower it enough, the doctor may recommend medicine. If … high blood pressure), treating the other health problem may lower the blood pressure. Your child may also need medicine … your child to eat healthy foods. Help your child eat a diet that's rich in foods that can help lower blood …
Health topics
… Overview Tips to prevent foot cramps include the following: Take a warm bath and do some stretching exercises … replacement drink such as Gatorade after exercise. Eat a diet rich in potassium , magnesium , and calcium . Related … . … Overview Tips to prevent foot cramps include the following: Take a warm bath and do some stretching exercises …
Health topics
… Canada says Canadians can't get enough vitamin D through diet alone and recommends routine vitamin D supplements for … Canada says Canadians can't get enough vitamin D through diet alone and recommends routine vitamin D supplements for …
Health topics
… you with needed energy. Schedule time for yourself. Proper diet, exercise, rest, and leisure activities are important … you with needed energy. Schedule time for yourself. Proper diet, exercise, rest, and leisure activities are important …