4815 results found
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… fridge so it can be easily seen. For more information about the No CPR form, please contact your physician, nurse … decision to create a No CPR order, you will need to fill out the No CPR form (PDF, 591KB) . You can also obtain a … as possible. For more information For more information about advance care planning, including planned home deaths, …
Health topics
… do occur, they may include: Itching (pruritus). Fatigue. Yellowing of the skin and the white part of the eyes … in the upper right part of the abdomen. Dry eyes and mouth. How is it diagnosed? PBC is suspected based on a … treatment focuses on reducing symptoms, preventing and treating the complications of the disease, and preventing …
Health topics
… brief loss of consciousness. When people faint, or pass out, they usually fall down. After they are lying down, most … What causes it? Fainting is caused by a drop in blood flow to the brain. After you lose consciousness and fall or lie down, more blood can flow to your brain so you wake up again. Most causes of …
Health topics
… Information Overview As soon as you start to think about leaving, you need to take extra care to stay safe. For example, if you printed out this information, it may be better off in the hands of a … that this information is not official legal advice. Learn about your rights and get support from free resources. Visit …
Health topics
… You can most likely return to your normal activities in about 6 weeks. Avoid strenuous activity, such as heavy lifting … incontinence), further testing may be needed to find out what procedure is needed. Bladder and urethral prolapse … the prolapse of other pelvic organs, so tell your doctor about any other symptoms you have. If your doctor finds a …
Health topics
… place. The bottles should not be exposed to temperatures below 2°C (36°F) or above 30°C (86°F) . Never leave insulin in … and to prevent clumping, frosting, or particles settling out. Follow the storage information provided by the manufacturer. …
Health topics
… 1 A lot of research has been and is being done to find out the cause of autism. Go to www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/seed.html to follow a very large study about the risks for autism and other … of autism. Go to www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/seed.html to follow a very large study about the risks for autism and other …
Health topics
… Position the tip of the needle or cannula so that it is below the surface of fluid in the bottle. Pull back the … of solution you need. Before you take the needle or cannula out of the bottle, check for air bubbles in liquid in the … touch anything. If you have a clamp on the line, open it. Slowly inject heparin, or quickly inject saline solution. If …
Health topics
… hearing. Babies' sensory and motor development generally follows a typical pattern. At 1 month of age, babies' neck … One example is the startle reflex. It makes a baby throw out his or her arms and spread the fingers in response to a … or her tummy during awake periods and closely supervise. Allowing your baby to exercise and move in this position helps …
Health topics
… family activities a week. For ideas, see the suggestions below. Once a month, plan something special that involves … find, such as a red leaf, a blue house, a black dog, or an out-of-province licence plate. Use a phone app or get … family activities a week. For ideas, see the suggestions below. Once a month, plan something special that involves …