4815 results found
Health topics
… symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and any recent travel. The doctor may … Symptoms usually go away on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel better. Take medicine … safe to use with children older than 6 months. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Spray clothing with DEET. …
Health topics
… air pressure in the ears at the right level. When you swallow or yawn, the tubes open briefly to let air in to make the pressure in the middle ears equal to the pressure outside of the ears. Sometimes fluid or negative pressure … a steroid medicine that you spray into your nose. Follow the instructions carefully. If you have an ear …
Health topics
… mean you'll never get pregnant. Some people conceive without help in their second year of trying. Treatments help … with age. Female fertility peaks in the late 20s. It slowly starts to decline in the early 30s. A larger drop in … can cause eggs to release less often or sperm count to lower. Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine use. Avoid …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Should I Have Surgery? 1 … as rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, or diabetes. Treating these problems often makes carpal tunnel symptoms get …
Health topics
… dysphoria may include feeling: Uncomfortable or upset about parts of your body that don't match your gender … dysphoria may be diagnosed when you talk with your doctor about feeling upset or distressed that your gender identity … have similar feelings as adults, including feeling upset about parts of their body that don't match their gender …
Health topics
… is a pill to soften and thin the cervix. It is taken by mouth or placed in the vagina. Oxytocin can be given through … active labour has started on its own but contractions have slowed down or completely stopped, steps may need to be taken … active labour has started on its own but contractions have slowed down or completely stopped, steps may need to be taken …
Health topics
… of the eye. This surgery makes it easier for fluid to flow out of the front part of the eye, decreasing pressure in the … (ALT). Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT). SLT uses a lower-power laser than ALT does. For laser trabeculoplasty: …
Health topics
… periods of time, you will have more swelling in the arm. Follow your doctor's advice about what daily exercises to do. There are exercises you can … periods of time, you will have more swelling in the arm. Follow your doctor's advice about what daily exercises to do. …
Health topics
… surgery. After surgery to remove the gallbladder, bile flows from the liver (where it is produced) through the … period than laparoscopic surgery. Try to walk each day. Follow your doctor's instructions for when you can start doing … surgeries. Have abnormal anatomy in the belly. In 5 to 10 out of 100 laparoscopic gallbladder surgeries, the surgeon …
Medical tests
… down, it usually means that the treatment is working. Follow up on a lump or mass found in the pelvic area. Check to … (metastatic cancer), he or she may do a CA-125 test to find out where the cancer started. High levels of CA-125 are a … down, it usually means that the treatment is working. Follow up on a lump or mass found in the pelvic area. Check to …