4815 results found
Health topics
… your child know what to expect will go a long way toward lowering fear and stress. Here are some things to try: Talk … scare younger children. You know your child best, so allow enough time before the hospital stay to explain what … it occurs, so they won't have time to worry or dream about it. Or your child may react better if they have some …
Health topics
… amputation is recommended for: Gangrene with or without infection. Unbearable pain when at rest. Non-healing, … dying around the time of the operation as well as in the following years is higher than for other people of the same … amputation is to remove all dead and dying tissue while creating the most useful limb for recovery and rehab. It is …
Health topics
… reduce the itchiness of the chickenpox rash. Try the following suggestions to make you or your child more … chickenpox. But sometimes antihistamines that are taken by mouth will help relieve itching. Antihistamines taken by … and to prevent additional problems. Avoid getting hot and sweating, because these trigger itching. Stay out of sunlight. …
Health topics
… to lubricate the vagina and the vulva. This fluid comes out of two tiny tubes next to the opening of the vagina. … in size from a pea to a large marble. They usually grow slowly. If the Bartholin gland or duct gets infected, it's … caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) . You can lower your risk of STIs by using a condom when you have sex. …
Health topics
… tags Skin tags are small, soft pieces of skin that stick out on a stem. They most often appear on the neck, armpits, … tags Skin tags are small, soft pieces of skin that stick out on a stem. They most often appear on the neck, armpits, …
Health topics
… your normal vaginal discharge (including grey, green, or yellow discharge), vaginal odour, and vaginal redness, … And be sure to remove the last tampon you use. Change out of wet or damp clothes as soon as possible. Wear cotton … your normal vaginal discharge (including grey, green, or yellow discharge), vaginal odour, and vaginal redness, …
Health topics
… you start taking small amounts of the penicillin and slowly increase how much you take. You do this under your … emergency services right away. How is it diagnosed? To find out if you have a penicillin allergy, your doctor will ask … you start taking small amounts of the penicillin and slowly increase how much you take. You do this under your …
Health topics
… is a long-lasting (chronic) disease that may last throughout your life—you must treat it long term. But following a management plan can be difficult over a long period … worse symptoms later in life. Understand the benefits of treating asthma and the risks of not treating asthma. It may …
Health topics
… a burn, chickenpox, or acne. Thick tissue grows up and out from the healing area, making the scar bigger than the … Radiation tends to be reserved as a last option for treating keloids. There is a chance that it can cause cancer. … help it heal faster and with less scarring. Using the following tips to treat the area may help prevent keloid …
Health topics
… of your heart failure, you should talk with your doctor about your ability to drive. Travel. In general, all forms of … than your intended trip to make sure that you do not run out. If you have severe heart failure, you can talk with … of your heart failure, you should talk with your doctor about your ability to drive. Travel. In general, all forms of …