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5911 results found
Health topics
… or living in a long-term care centre, where the person may have a urinary catheter inserted, making bladder infections … infections more likely. Lack of estrogen in women who have gone through menopause. Lack of estrogen may allow … replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this …
Health topics
… first time you are exposed to the dye. For example, if you have had 3 or 4 tattoos without any problems, you could have an allergic reaction to the dye the next time you have … replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this …
Health topics
… expectant management at home or in the hospital. Where you have it depends on how severe your pre-eclampsia is. Expectant management at home If you have signs of pre-eclampsia early in pregnancy, your doctor … replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this …
Medical tests
… digital mammogram. Cancer is most easily treated when it's discovered in an early stage. Mammograms don't prevent … Your doctor may recommend testing at a younger age if you have risk factors for breast cancer. A mammogram can seem to … may include a lump or thickening in the breast, nipple discharge, or dimpling of the skin on one area of the …
Medical tests
… with: Gene changes (such as BRCA). Close family members who have had breast cancer. A history of radiation therapy to … with scaly skin that flakes off, and nipples with abnormal discharge. Check women with breast implants. MRI may be used … after the test. Throw it out. Results The radiologist may discuss the results of the MRI with you right after the …
Health topics
… than in girls. What are the symptoms? Most children with TS have different patterns of tics. The tics may not be … child is ill, under stress, or excited. Having TS doesn't have to mean that your child will have social problems or … replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this …
HealthLinkBC files
… with Yersinia bacteria. Outbreaks of yersiniosis have been linked to untreated water, contaminated pork and … their hands or fingers in, or near, their mouth after they have handled an infected pet or animal. What are the … and yersiniosis can be misdiagnosed as appendicitis. If you have severe cramps or severe diarrhea, see your health care …
Health topics
… your symptoms and where you've eaten or travelled. You may have blood tests if your doctor thinks you have the virus. … the toilet, changing a diaper, or preparing or eating food. Discourage your children from putting objects in their … replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this …
Health topics
… look like other more common skin problems. In people who have darker skin, the sores may be a lighter colour than the … own without scarring. After the rash heals, the skin may be discoloured. But even though the skin rash has healed, the … A fever. A sore throat. A vague feeling of weakness or discomfort throughout the body. Weight loss. Patchy hair …
Health topics
… of sleep to grow and develop. School-age children may have trouble learning and developing socially if they don't … same order each night so your child knows what to expect. Have your child go to bed at the same time every night and … replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this …