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Health topics
… syndrome , neural tube defects , or certain rare genetic problems. The blood tests are used to look for the amount of … intellectual disability and heart defects, among other problems. This test is an option for women who are at high … be signs of conditions such as neural tube defects or heart problems. Sometimes doctors will look at the combined …
Health topics
… are NSAIDs used? NSAIDS are used for many different health problems. NSAIDs help with pain and fever. They can also … can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor … certain serious conditions more likely, such as: Stomach problems, especially in older adults. These problems include …
Health topics
… ARBs used? ARBs are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. For example, they may be used if you have: … artery disease. Heart failure. High blood pressure. Kidney problems. ARBs are safe and effective medicines that help … longer. They can help prevent many heart and blood vessel problems. What about side effects? Side effects may include: …
Health topics
… headaches include: High-flow oxygen inhalation therapy. You breathe oxygen through a face mask to relieve headache pain. … headaches include: High-flow oxygen inhalation therapy. You breathe oxygen through a face mask to relieve headache pain. …
Health topics
… is testosterone used? In men, testosterone is used to treat problems that can happen when a man's body doesn't make enough testosterone. It may be used to: Treat erection problems. Improve sex drive. Increase muscle mass. Prevent … doctors sometimes prescribe testosterone to treat sexual problems. What should you know about side effects? All …