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Health topics
… when a person is underwater and breathes water into the lungs. The airway (larynx) can spasm and close, or water can damage the lungs and keep them from taking in oxygen. In either case, the lungs can't supply oxygen to the body. This can be deadly. …
Health topics
… Chlamydia Tests Chloride (Cl) Test Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the Body Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance … Infections Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) Kidney Biopsy Kidney Scan Kidney Stone Analysis Laparoscopy Magnetic Resonance … Chlamydia Tests Chloride (Cl) Test Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the Body Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance …
Health topics
… for school or other activities. Teach your child to first scan their body to make sure that they are dressed appropriately. Then, scan their bag or other equipment to make sure that they … for school or other activities. Teach your child to first scan their body to make sure that they are dressed …
Health topics
… oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon … side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to the rest of your … and the left side. Blood is pumped through your heart and lungs in four steps: The right atrium receives oxygen-poor …
Health topics
… tests. But your doctor may do tests such as an MRI or a CT scan to confirm a herniated disc or rule out other health … doctor needs more information, you may have an MRI or a CT scan. Your doctor may order one of these if: Your medical … information. They aren't used as often as an MRI or a CT scan. These tests may include: An electromyogram and nerve …
Health topics
… a liver test, or a stool test. Other tests include a CT scan, or an ultrasound of your belly (abdominal ultrasound) … duct is blocked. Imaging tests that may be done include: CT scan with contrast dye. A CT scan can help rule out other causes of abdominal pain, …
Health topics
… What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is a lung infection that can make you very sick. You may cough, … usually starts when you breathe the germs into your lungs. You may be more likely to get it after having a cold … After you breathe infected air particles into your lungs. After you breathe certain bacteria from your nose and …
Health topics
… in the years after your surgery. Putting you on the heart-lung bypass machine After your coronary arteries have been … been harvested, your surgical team may place you on a heart-lung bypass machine. Alternately, your surgical team may do … while your heart is beating. If you are placed on the heart-lung bypass machine, your heart will be temporarily stopped …
Health topics
… the right side of the heart is not pumping blood to the lungs as well as normal. Most people develop heart failure … if there is high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. This pressure makes the heart work harder to pump blood through the lungs. Over time, the right ventricle may weaken and not …
Health topics
… antitrypsin (AAT) is a protein normally found in the lungs and the bloodstream. It helps protect the lungs from diseases such as emphysema and chronic … cause AAT deficiency. These people are more likely to have lung diseases and will get them at a younger-than-normal age …