1182 results found
Health topics
… fibrosis is a condition in which scarring happens in the lungs. It makes the lungs less elastic and causes breathing problems. Pulmonary … blood tests, lung function tests, chest X-ray, and CT scan. In some cases, a lung biopsy may be done. Symptoms …
Medical tests
… X-ray is a picture of the chest that shows your heart, lungs, airway, blood vessels, and lymph nodes . A chest … other tests may be done, such as a computed tomography (CT) scan, an ultrasound , an echocardiogram , or an MRI scan. … such as a cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Find lung conditions—such as pneumonia, lung cancer, chronic …
Health topics
… blood and oxygen. That's why it is most often found in the lungs. This is called pulmonary TB. But TB can also spread … the TB bacteria are growing and causing symptoms. If your lungs are infected with active TB, it is easy to spread the … sample of tissue ( biopsy ) to test. Or you might get a CT scan or an MRI so the doctor can see pictures of the inside …
Health topics
… Rehabilitation Bladder Care Bowel Care Pressure Injuries Lung Care Intimacy and Fertility Life With a Spinal Cord … spina bifida . How is it diagnosed? A computed tomography scan (CT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be … Pressure Injuries Spinal Cord Injury: Autonomic Dysreflexia Lung Care Breathing is usually something we do without …
Medical tests
… of the heart and the blood vessels that go to the heart, lung, brain, kidneys, head, neck, legs, and arms. This test … table that passes through a doughnut-shaped opening in the scanner. A special dye ( contrast material ) is put in a … A CT angiogram is done to look for: A blood clot in the lungs ( pulmonary embolism ). A narrowing (stenosis) or …
Health topics
… when a person is underwater and breathes water into the lungs. A drowning that doesn't result in death is often … drowning . When your child breathed water into his or her lungs, the lungs were no longer able to supply oxygen to … as blood tests, X-rays, and other imaging tests, like a CT scan or an MRI. You may see a lot of tubes and wires …
Health topics
… still or moving pictures of your heart. Cardiac blood pool scan Makes pictures of the heart Shows how well your heart … with blood flow or structure of the heart Cardiac CT scan Makes pictures of the heart and blood vessels Checks … for problems with the structure of the heart Cardiac MRI scan Makes still pictures and moving pictures of the heart …
Health topics
… Basics Bronchiectasis (say "brawn-kee-ECK-tuh-sus") is a lung problem in which the breathing tubes (airways) in the lungs are stretched and become larger. It starts when your … your doctor may want to do a chest X-ray or a chest CT scan . Other tests your doctor may do include blood tests to …
Health topics
… (ARDS)? Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a lung problem. It happens when fluid builds up in the lungs, causing breathing failure and low oxygen levels in … A chest X-ray, to look for fluid in the lungs. A chest CT scan, which can show problems with the lungs, such as …
Health topics
… is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? COPD is a lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. It is caused by damage to the lungs over many years, usually from smoking. COPD is often a … make enough AAT are more likely to get emphysema. A CT scan . This gives doctors a detailed picture of the lungs. …