637 results found
Health topics
Health topics
… plasma protein A (PAPP-A). Beta-hCG is a hormone made by the placenta . High levels may be related to … screen checks those three substances, plus the level of the hormone inhibin A . The doctor looks at these test … plasma protein A (PAPP-A). Beta-hCG is a hormone made by the placenta . High levels may be related to …
Health topics
… on either side of your uterus. They produce female sex hormones and store and release eggs. Ovarian cancer can … and benefits of this surgery. Learn more Birth Control Hormones: The Pill Breastfeeding Ovarian Cancer: Should I … medicines. Endocrine therapy. These medicines block hormones that cause certain cancers to grow. This helps slow …
Health topics
… of the pancreas , an organ in your belly that makes the hormones insulin and glucagon . These two hormones control how your body uses the sugar found in the food you eat. Your pancreas also makes other hormones and enzymes that help you break down food. The …
Health topics
… healthy foods. Not getting enough physical activity. Using hormone therapy. This includes taking hormone therapy for menopause or using birth control options … with alcohol or drug use, talk to your doctor. If you use hormone therapy for menopause or hormonal birth control, …
Medical tests
… cirrhosis , or syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH). Medical … cirrhosis , or syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH). Medical …
Health topics
… unconscious, they need glucagon right away. Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood sugar quickly. It can be given as … unconscious, they need glucagon right away. Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood sugar quickly. It can be given as …
Healthy eating
… those in your muscles, skin, and nails. Make enzymes and hormones, which carry out key body functions. Protein is …
Health topics
… effects Loneliness can cause higher amounts of stress hormones in your body. This can have negative physical … effects Loneliness can cause higher amounts of stress hormones in your body. This can have negative physical …
Health topics
… Gestational diabetes can develop during pregnancy when hormones change the way your body uses insulin. Sometimes, a …