637 results found
Health topics
… under the skin on the inside of your upper arm. It releases hormones that prevent pregnancy for up to 3 years. In some … very reliable means of birth control. These methods have hormones that stop you from releasing an egg each month … a very reliable means of birth control. The shot contains hormones that prevent pregnancy for 3 months. You see your …
Health topics
… and some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) . Hormone related diseases, such as hyperaldosteronism. Sleep … Illegal drugs, such as cocaine or methamphetamine. How hormones affect blood pressure Hormones play a big role in controlling your blood pressure. …
Health topics
… may be the result of higher-than-normal levels of male hormones, called androgens. These hormones are found in both men and women, although men have … have PCOS or any other cause that can be identified. Their hormone levels are normal, and so are their menstrual …
Medical tests
… Overview DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) is a male hormone (androgen) that is made in the adrenal glands . The … testosterone . A test for DHEA-S checks the level of this hormone in the blood. Testosterone affects sexual features … Is Done This test is usually done along with tests of other hormone levels. DHEA-S might be tested to: Look for the …
Health topics
… means that the thyroid gland doesn't make enough thyroid hormone . This hormone controls the way your body uses energy. The thyroid … in the front of your neck. Having a low level of thyroid hormone affects your whole body. It can make you feel tired …
… (hypothyroidism). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally made by the thyroid gland. Liothyronine is a man-made form of thyroid hormone. Low thyroid hormone levels can occur naturally or when the thyroid gland …
Health topics
… Birth Control Birth Control for Teens Birth Control Hormones: The Implant Birth Control Hormones: The Mini-Pill Birth Control Hormones: The Patch Birth Control Hormones: The Pill Birth …
Health topics
… body prepares to wake up. In the early morning hours, hormones (growth hormone, cortisol , and catecholamines) cause the liver to … blood sugar level drops too low in the early morning hours, hormones (such as growth hormone, cortisol, and …
Health topics
… are above the kidneys, are not able to make enough of the hormones cortisol and, sometimes, aldosterone. Your body needs both of these hormones to work as it should. Cortisol helps the body cope … your blood pressure steady. Normally, the level of these hormones increases through a chain reaction. First, the …
Health topics
… sex. footnote 1 The most common option contains a progestin hormone called levonorgestrel. Progestin is a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone . Another option is a medicine called … are also used. These often contain a combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin . If you already take birth …