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637 results found
… (hypothyroidism). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally produced by the thyroid gland. Low thyroid hormone levels can occur naturally or when the thyroid gland … or removed by surgery. Having enough thyroid hormone is important for maintaining normal mental and …
Health topics
… another treatment, such as over-the-counter pain medicine, hormones, or surgery. This decision aid is for people who … after menopause. If you are near menopause, you could try hormone therapy for a while. FAQs What are uterine fibroids? … other problems. The cause of fibroids is not known. But the hormones estrogen and progesterone can make them grow. Your …
Health topics
… if your thyroid tests show that: Your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are low. Your thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are … hyperthyroidism . Your TSH levels are low but your thyroid hormone levels are normal. If you have subclinical …
Health topics
… a rare problem that happens when you have too much of the hormone cortisol in your body. Cortisol is especially … low, a part of the brain called the hypothalamus releases a hormone called CRH. CRH tells the pituitary gland , located beneath the brain, to make a hormone called ACTH. ACTH triggers the adrenal glands , …
Health topics
… heavy menstrual periods can be managed with medicines or hormone treatments. If those treatments don't help, you may … your period. But NSAIDs usually don't help as much as hormone treatments. Hormone treatments that may be prescribed include: Birth …
Health topics
… online, and in some grocery stores. The sponge doesn't use hormones. So you can use the sponge if you don't want to take hormones or can't take hormones because you have certain health problems or …
Health topics
… has many causes. It's sometimes caused by changes in hormone levels. It can also be caused by problems such as … drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Hormone therapy. This can include hormonal birth control or … being under or over your recommended weight can affect your hormone production. This can increase your risk for …
Medical tests
… Overview Catecholamines (say "kat-uh-KOH-luh-meens") are hormones made mostly by your adrenal glands as a reaction to stress. When you feel stressed, these hormones increase heart rate, blood pressure, breathing … "fight-or-flight" reactions. Your body breaks down these hormones and passes them into your urine. This test measures …
… smoke. Do not smoke or use tobacco. Uses This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: drospirenone (a progestin) and ethinyl estradiol … Your pill pack contains 24 pills with active medication (hormones and folate). It also contains 4 reminder pills …
… smoke. Do not smoke or use tobacco. Uses This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: an estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and a progestin … Your pill pack contains 21 pills with active medication (hormones and folate). It also contains 7 reminder pills …