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5102 results found
Health topics
… weeks, or months later. After the event your teen may: Have changes in their emotions, such as: Becoming more anxious or … easily angered or irritated. Feeling sad or depressed. Have changes in their behaviours, such as: Avoiding people or … or driving too fast. Using alcohol or drugs. Have physical changes, such as: Having headaches, dizziness, or tiredness …
… throat that doesn't go away, fever, chills) mental/mood changes (such as restlessness, confusion, depression, … to the side effects of this drug, especially mental/mood changes (such as confusion), seizure, or unusual tiredness. … breast-feeding. Drug Interactions Drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for …
Health topics
… has many bacteria and a few yeast cells. When something changes the balance of these organisms, yeast can grow too … back. Avoid tight-fitting clothing. Wear cotton underwear. Change out of damp clothes right away. Change pads or tampons often. Don't douche or use vaginal …
Medical tests
… as well as whether the blood vessel feels hard or soft. Changes in your heart rate or rhythm, a weak pulse, or a … number to get the number of beats per minute. Your pulse changes from minute to minute. It will be faster when you … beats per minute, according to age. Many things can cause changes in your normal heart rate, including your age, …
Health topics
Health topics
… the muscle. Keep track of your exercise. You can do this by making a chart or diary that fits your needs. You may want … you see your progress and will also allow you to advance or change your exercise program over time. Stay with it. When … the muscle. Keep track of your exercise. You can do this by making a chart or diary that fits your needs. You may want …
Health topics
… for the gums to heal. The contour or shape of your gums may change. Most gum surgeries are fairly simple and are not too … for the gums to heal. The contour or shape of your gums may change. Most gum surgeries are fairly simple and are not too …
Health topics
… If medicine is causing dry mouth, your doctor may change the type or dose of the medicine. How is it treated? … If medicine is causing dry mouth, your doctor may change the type or dose of the medicine. How is it treated? …
Health topics
… body have been affected by nerve damage, you may need to change some parts of your exercise program to avoid more … body have been affected by nerve damage, you may need to change some parts of your exercise program to avoid more …
Health topics
… Sleep problems are common during pregnancy. Hormonal changes plus the discomforts of later pregnancy can break up … Sleep problems are common during pregnancy. Hormonal changes plus the discomforts of later pregnancy can break up …