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5102 results found
Health topics
… you do another daily task, such as brushing your teeth or making morning coffee. This will help make taking medicine … Dealing With Medicine Side Effects and Interactions Making the Most of Your Appointment Prevent Medical Errors … you do another daily task, such as brushing your teeth or making morning coffee. This will help make taking medicine …
Health topics
… for PTSD. Like other kinds of counselling, it can help change how you react to memories of your trauma. While … or sounds while you talk about the traumatic event may help change how you react to memories of your trauma over time. … for PTSD. Like other kinds of counselling, it can help change how you react to memories of your trauma. While …
Health topics
… The idea is to note what you experience without trying to change it. Meditation can help you relax, because you are … your attention on what is happening right now. Don't try to change your breathing. Just notice how it feels in your … The idea is to note what you experience without trying to change it. Meditation can help you relax, because you are …
Health topics
Health topics
HealthLinkBC files
Healthy eating
… the suspected foods shows whether the immune system is making IgE antibodies to the foods that are tested. 3. … blood test to a food means the immune system is not making an IgE antibody to the food. This means they are …
Health topics
… Partner support during pregnancy Pregnancy: Relationship changes Tips for pregnant parents Domestic abuse If your …
Health topics
… behaviour to check for hearing loss. If you notice a change, your child might have hearing loss. Also, pay … behaviour to check for hearing loss. If you notice a change, your child might have hearing loss. Also, pay …