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Health topics
… What causes a bunion? You may get bunions if: The way your foot is shaped puts too much pressure on your big toe … ease pain and help with walking and other daily activities. Most bunions can be treated at home. Home treatment includes … Foot Problems Roomy Shoes Surgery Bunion surgery involves making a cut (incision) in the top or side of the big toe …
Health topics
… might not feel like doing the things you need to do to keep your heart healthy. And this can raise your risk of having a … weeks you've had symptoms like: Feeling anxious or worried most days about things like work, relationships, health, or … weeks you've had symptoms like: Feeling anxious or worried most days about things like work, relationships, health, or …
Health topics
… Overview If you have one or more children at home, your pregnancy simply can't be your central focus. Getting … gives your growing fetus a healthy start and gives you the most possible energy to use for parenting. Family members … gives your growing fetus a healthy start and gives you the most possible energy to use for parenting. Family members …
Health topics
… Overview Flexibility exercises can help you keep your range of motion when you have an SCI. You may be able … belly. People with a spinal cord injury who are sitting most of the time can get tight muscles in the front of their … belly. People with a spinal cord injury who are sitting most of the time can get tight muscles in the front of their …
Health topics
… Flow Actionset Overview It's important to know how well your lungs are working. One way to do this is by checking your peak flow with a peak flow meter . Your peak flow can tell you if your asthma is staying the …
Health topics
… of the pericardium, which is the sac that surrounds your heart. Pericarditis usually doesn't cause serious problems. Most people feel better in a couple of weeks. When there are … other signs of complications. Be sure to keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor. If you have complications or …
Health topics
… plans, some of this advice may not apply to you. Tell your doctor you care about cost. Ask for drugs that are less … are available at double the dose and at the same or almost the same cost as lower doses. By splitting the larger … Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Healthy Eating Making Good Health Decisions Making the Most of Your
Health topics
… Menarche On this page: Overview Overview Your first menstrual period is called menarche (say … spotting of blood when you ovulate. Pregnancy facts You are most likely to get pregnant if you have sexual intercourse … the chance of getting pregnant at this time is less for most women, if you have short cycles (less than 28 days) or …
Health topics
… eye and ignore images from the weaker eye. This means that your child uses the strong eye more than the weak eye. If … birth or low birth weight. What are the symptoms? In most cases, amblyopia does not cause symptoms. But your … glasses. Your child may have to wear the patch or glasses most of the day or for just part of each day. Treatment may …
Health topics
… called "tongue-tie." Before and during breastfeeding If your doctor says it is okay, take acetaminophen (such as … the other side. The baby's initial sucking is usually the most vigorous. Express a little milk from your breasts right … or two. Avoid: Breastfeeding pads that have plastic liners. Most general-purpose lotions and creams. These are not …