6348 results found
Health topics
… Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries . If it's not … get into and infect the uterus and fallopian tubes. The most common causes of PID are gonorrhea and chlamydia, which … by other types of bacteria. What are the symptoms? The most common symptom of PID is pain in the lower belly. It's …
Health topics
… difficult. Some ideas for ways to get more activity into your day Get more play: there are loads of ways to get … fly a kite, throw a frisbee or kick a ball around with your friends. Walk the dog, shoot some hoops, go skating or … The more you do in class, the less you'll need to do on your own time to get the benefits of physical activity. …
Health features
… On this page: How can I prevent respiratory illnesses? Making a decision to seek care Common lung disease and … a mask in crowded public spaces, and cough and sneeze into your elbow Cleaning your hands regularly Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, mouth and nose Making a decision to seek care The Emergency Room (ER) in …
Health topics
… types of oils may have a protective effect on the heart. Most other heart-healthy diets recommend getting less than 35% of your calories from fat. But in the Mediterranean diet, an … such as meat and dairy products made with whole milk. Eat mostly vegetarian meals. Make meals that include whole …
Health topics
… friend than at home. Here are some tips that may increase your safety. Keep in mind that this information is not … in your area.Call your provincial health line ( 8-1-1 in most provinces and territories) or check your local phone … at work and at your children's school. Change any upcoming appointments your partner knows about (like a doctor's …
Health topics
… Overview Sex is part of a healthy life and is part of your quality of life. Most people with heart failure can still have an active sex … part of a healthy life and is part of your quality of life. Most people with heart failure can still have an active sex …
Health topics
… breath . Anyone can have temper tantrums. But they are most common in children ages 1 to 4 years. Dealing with … be unpleasant or embarrassing. But remember, tantrums are most intense at the start, and they usually last only 2 … they are afraid, overtired, or uncomfortable. As a parent, your behaviour matters too. Your child is more likely to …
Health topics
… capacities. Learn about 7 healthy life choices to keep your mind strong and encourage healthy brain aging. Get enough sleep Sleep improves your ability to manage stress. It helps with hormonal … for future changes by thinking about your choices and making decisions now. Your preparation will help you to cope …
Health topics
… Overview A good night's sleep helps your child to grow, to form memories, and to learn. Sleep … and trouble learning. They may become moody, sad, or angry. Most sleep problems occur when the child is only partly … may make nightmares or other sleep problems more likely. Most children who have night terrors or confusional arousals …
Health topics
… checked for jaundice within 72 hours after birth. If your baby is at risk for jaundice, your doctor may want to do a follow-up examination. Most babies have mild jaundice. It usually gets better or … baby's body must get rid of the bilirubin on its own. In most cases, babies have what's called physiologic jaundice. …