4746 results found
Health topics
… who has been trained to help others with the same type of problems. Because they know what you have gone through, they … who has been trained to help others with the same type of problems. Because they know what you have gone through, they …
Health topics
… if you wear contact lenses, or if you have other medical problems, you may have a more serious eye problem. In these … take an active role in managing a health condition. Eye Problems: Using Eyedrops and Eye Ointment Blepharitis Eye Problems: Using Eyedrops and Eye Ointment Pink Eye …
Health topics
… type of heart block may raise your risk of heart rhythm problems, such as atrial fibrillation. Second-degree AV … occur after heart surgery and can be present from birth (congenital). Complete heart block frequently causes symptoms of … occur after heart surgery and can be present from birth (congenital). Complete heart block frequently causes symptoms of …
… (such as the pill, patch, ring). The risk of these serious problems increases with age and with the number of … This medication may rarely cause serious (sometimes fatal) problems from blood clots (such as deep vein thrombosis, … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …
… changed. Uses This medication is used to treat mental/mood problems such as depression. It may help improve mood and … neuralgia), eating disorder (bulimia), or other mental/mood problems (such as anxiety, panic disorder). It may also be … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …
Health topics
… to your baby during the birth, it can cause serious health problems for your baby. If you have this bacteria in your … when you are in labour. Antibiotics help prevent problems for a newborn baby. After birth, doctors will watch … to your baby during the birth, it can cause serious health problems for your baby. If you have this bacteria in your …
Health topics
… cases of influenza (flu) get better without causing other problems, complications sometimes develop. Possible problems from the flu include: Pneumonia, which is an … cases of influenza (flu) get better without causing other problems, complications sometimes develop. Possible problems …
Health topics
… to become pregnant and breastfeed should discuss possible problems with her cancer specialist (oncologist). Depending … to become pregnant and breastfeed should discuss possible problems with her cancer specialist (oncologist). Depending …
Health topics
… clot in a vein close to the skin isn't likely to cause problems. But having blood clots in deep veins is called … clot in a vein close to the skin isn't likely to cause problems. But having blood clots in deep veins is called …
… rare but very serious side effects occur: signs of kidney problems (such as change in the amount of urine) unexplained … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … after taking aspirin or other NSAIDs) bleeding or clotting problems growths in the nose (nasal polyps) heart disease …