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Health topics
… allow urine to drain. You will likely go home 1 to 2 days after the surgery if there have been no complications. How … put extra pressure on your bladder. How much pain you have after surgery depends on the exact nature of your procedure, … to relieve your discomfort during the first few days after surgery. Be sure to call your doctor if you can't get …
Health topics
… shrink or die. The treatment usually takes 1 to 3 hours. After the procedure, you may stay in the hospital overnight … same day. You may have pain for a few hours to a few days after the procedure. But sometimes pain can last for a … vaginal bleeding or discharge for several weeks to months after the treatment. Some people also pass a fibroid from …
Medical tests
… disability . The damage caused by PKU can begin weeks after the baby has started drinking breast milk or formula. … early. All babies in Canada are tested for PKU right after birth. To have the disease, you must inherit the gene … a heel stick). The test is done in the first few days after birth, as early as 24 hours after birth. The test may …
Health topics
… unusual position you go into labour before 37 weeks or after 42 weeks of pregnancy you have a medical condition … be present, staying for a short time before, during and after the birth. Your midwife will continue to provide care … baby – including support for breastfeeding – for six weeks after the birth. During the first week, the midwife will see …
Health topics
… also called the "baby blues," during the first few days after childbirth. They may lose sleep, feel irritable, cry … In some women, sometime in the first 3 months after delivery, the baby blues become a more serious … feel down, anxious, or irritable during the first few days after giving birth. But there are many things you can do to …
Health topics
… 5 years later, he had quadruple bypass surgery. A few years after the surgery, he found out he had diabetes. Now 20 years after his heart attack, Bob is a changed man. He rides his … the heart attack. Although Bob started being more active after his heart attack and surgery, he really got moving …
Medical tests
… 28 days long, you are most likely to ovulate 14 to 15 days after menstrual bleeding begins. To find the first day that … cycle. Your first fertile day should be that many days after your menstrual bleeding starts. For example, if your … to get 8. Your first fertile day would then be the 8th day after menstrual bleeding begins. To find the last day that …
Medical tests
… a HIDA scan, a camera takes pictures of your gallbladder after a radioactive tracer is injected into a vein in your … large scanning camera will be placed just above your belly. After the radioactive tracer is injected, the camera will … and small intestine. The first pictures will be taken right after the tracer starts to go in. The pictures may be …
Health topics
… participating in normal play. Treatment that begins shortly after birth can help overcome these problems. How is it … It is more common for your doctor to diagnose the condition after the infant is born, though, based on the appearance … and can be moved into a normal or nearly normal position after the baby is born. In other cases, the foot is more …
Health topics
… To Expect Lung surgery requires you to stay in the hospital after the procedure. How long you stay will depend on: Your … type of surgery was done. Pain Pain is a common concern after this surgery. Depending on the type of surgery you … your chest area may be painful for several weeks to months after surgery. Your doctor will prescribe pain medicines you …