4623 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… care. If you are not immune, you should be immunized after your pregnancy, preferably before leaving the … no symptoms of a rash. Symptoms can appear 14 to 21 days after a person is infected with the rubella virus. In most cases, symptoms appear 14 to 17 days after exposure to the virus. What if I have been exposed to …
Health topics
… is confirmed. You'll probably feel better in a day or two after you start the medicine. Most of the time, symptoms improve quickly and go away 2 to 4 weeks after treatment starts. But if you have vision loss, you may … the steroids through a vein (I.V.) in your arm at first. After that, you will take the medicine by mouth. You may …
Health topics
… moving. Your recovery On the day of surgery or the day after, you'll get out of bed with help. You will learn how … toilet, bathe, and use stairs. During the first week or so after surgery, you will need less and less pain medicine. For a few weeks after surgery, you will likely take medicine to prevent …
Health topics
… are usually mild. They most often start within a week after the bite. The main symptoms may include: Fever. Rash. … for Zika virus. Symptoms usually go away on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel … of Canada (PHAC) recommends that pregnant women wait until after they give birth before they travel to areas where …
… for up to 5 years. Schedule a follow-up visit 4 to 6 weeks after the device is placed to make sure it is still in the … to use a backup form of birth control for the first 7 days after this device is placed to prevent pregnancy until the … may sometimes move out of place or come out by itself. After each menstrual period, check to make sure it is in the …
… an in-office visit. Schedule a follow-up visit 4 to 6 weeks after the device is placed to make sure it is still in the … to use a backup form of birth control for the first 7 days after this device is placed, to prevent pregnancy until the … may sometimes move out of place or come out by itself. After each menstrual period, check to make sure it is in the …
Health topics
… or yellow. It may have a "fishy" odour, which may be worse after vaginal intercourse. But in many cases, bacterial … bacteria that cause symptoms. But symptoms often come back after antibiotic treatment. Cause It's normal for bacteria … cervical caps, spermicide applicators, and sex toys after each use. Practice safer sex. It is always important …
Health topics
… for emergency contraception are sometimes called "morning-after pills." They can be used up to 5 days after unprotected sex. footnote 1 The most common option … the stem of the T-shaped IUD. It can be placed up to 7 days after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. footnote 1 The …
Health topics
… this medicine if: Your asthma is not well controlled after using inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting … are closely observed for an appropriate period of time after receiving their dose. They should also carry epinephrine in case they have an allergic reaction after treatment. Asthma in Children …
Health topics
… can happen when the prostate gland is removed or after radiation treatment for prostate cancer. After a man's prostate gland is removed, the bladder no … be treated with surgery if the incontinence isn't cured after a period of watchful waiting. There are several …