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4623 results found
… is rare. If a reaction occurs, it may appear within hours after a dose, or in some cases, more than one week after a dose. Get medical help right away if you notice any … in the original package in the refrigerator. Do not freeze. After removing from the refrigerator, this medication can be …
Health topics
… chronic lung disease may have symptoms as soon as 3 days after birth. The most common first symptom is trouble … a high-pitched sound when breathing. Tire easily during and after feeding. Have pale, grey, or blotchy skin, especially … if your baby needs extra oxygen for at least 28 days after birth. Based on your baby's gestational age and how …
Medical tests
… heart rate may slow down (decelerate) in a certain pattern after a contraction instead of speeding up (accelerating). … not occur within 15 minutes, you will massage both nipples. After the test, you will be watched until your contractions … heart rate does not get slower (decelerate) and stay slow after the contraction (late decelerations). Note : There may …
HealthLinkBC files
… workers should have a booster dose of the vaccine 10 years after completion of the primary series. Due to immunization, … 1957 and 1969 need 1 dose of mumps vaccine while those born after 1969 need 2 doses. Individuals born before 1957 have … hepatitis B antibody levels should be tested 1to 6 months after completion of the vaccine series. Hepatitis B is a …
Health topics
… the LIMA or RIMA may prove to be more durable in the years after your surgery. Putting you on the heart-lung bypass machine After your coronary arteries have been exposed and a usable … Also, the machine circulates that blood through your body. After the heart-lung machine has been set up, the blood …
Health topics
… Hard candy (such as 6 Life Savers). Wait about 15 minutes after you eat the 15 grams of carbohydrate. Check your blood … cause low blood sugar, stay with the person for a few hours after their blood sugar level has returned to the target … a glucagon kit). It may be given as a shot or nasal spray. After you give the glucagon, immediately call 9-1-1 for …
Health topics
… recover quickly and have little pain or other symptoms after surgery. Most children go home within 1 to 2 hours after the surgery. Your child will probably be able to go … ears for 6 to 18 months. They often fall out on their own. After the tubes are out, watch your child for signs of ear …
Medical tests
… several minutes. In rare cases, the vein may become swollen after the blood sample is taken. This problem is called … cells are being made by the bone marrow. This can occur after a lot of bleeding, a move to a high altitude, or certain types of anemia. The reticulocyte count rises after the treatment for pernicious anemia , iron deficiency …
Medical tests
… or pinch. Blood test at home Your finger may feel sore after pricking it for a drop of blood for the test. Urine … are present in the urine if: The test strip changes colour after dipping it into the urine. The urine changes colour after placing the test tablet in it. You usually compare the …
Health topics
… Acute Bronchitis usually comes on quickly and gets better after 2 to 3 weeks. Most healthy people who get acute … caused by a virus. Often a person gets it a few days after having an upper respiratory tract infection such as a … is a cough that usually is dry and hacking at first. After a few days, the cough may bring up mucus. You may have …