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5057 results found
Health topics
… home, simple safety measures decrease the chance of anyone getting burned. When a child or vulnerable adult is burned, … or gel, apply calamine lotion for itching, or try an oatmeal bath product, such as Aveeno. Try medicine. Using 0.5% … or gel, apply calamine lotion for itching, or try an oatmeal bath product, such as Aveeno. Try medicine. Using 0.5% …
Health topics
… with you. Shake out and check bedding for spiders before getting in the bed. Shake out and check clothing and shoes … with you. Shake out and check bedding for spiders before getting in the bed. Shake out and check clothing and shoes …
Health topics
Health topics
… Overview Ischemia means your heart muscle is not getting enough blood and oxygen. It is usually caused by a … Ischemia may go away when you rest because your heart is getting enough blood and oxygen. Angina … . … Overview Ischemia means your heart muscle is not getting enough blood and oxygen. It is usually caused by a …
Health topics
… Recover Martha's Story: A Voice for Recovery Stan's Story: Getting There Hasn't Been Easy Susan's Story: A Friend … Really Helps Also see the Fitness and Exercise , Fitness: Getting Around Barriers to Exercise and Good-Health Attitude …
… use unless the area being treated includes the hands. Avoid getting the product in your eyes, nose, ears, or mouth. If … use unless the area being treated includes the hands. Avoid getting the product in your eyes, nose, ears, or mouth. If …