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2573 results found
Health topics
… right. It's a good idea to have your device checked every year at the doctor's office. Using a blood pressure monitor … and lower at night. Stress, smoking, eating, exercise, cold, pain, noise, medicines, and even talking can affect it. … right. It's a good idea to have your device checked every year at the doctor's office. Using a blood pressure monitor …
Health topics
… friends if you want them. Should: People sometimes have set ideas about how they "should" act. If you hear yourself … big raise. But it might not be in the company's budget this year." Depression Current as of: … friends if you want them. Should: People sometimes have set ideas about how they "should" act. If you hear yourself …
Health topics
… on a family disease to your baby. Your age. As you get older, you have a greater chance of having a baby with a … 39 I have no family history of birth defects. But I am 42 years old, which puts me at higher risk for having a baby … 39 "I have no family history of birth defects. But I am 42 years old, which puts me at higher risk for having a baby …
Health topics
… some suggestions to get you started. Eat slowly, and have meals in a quiet and relaxing environment. Try to eat meals at about the same time each day. Don't skip meals or wait too long between meals. Drink plenty of …
Health topics
… eat, swallow, and breathe. But some people live for many years, even decades, after they learn that they have ALS. … about exercises you can do. Eat small, frequent meals. Choose soft foods that are easy to swallow. Try to … about exercises you can do. Eat small, frequent meals. Choose soft foods that are easy to swallow. Try to …
Health topics
… common reasons teens don't get mental health care, and some ideas to get around them. "I don't understand what mental … common reasons teens don't get mental health care, and some ideas to get around them. "I don't understand what mental …
Health topics
… hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot or cold. You don't have to wear gloves, but it might be a good … or the person has an illness that can spread, such as a cold or influenza (flu). Helping with the sink bath Put soap … hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot or cold. You don't have to wear gloves, but it might be a good …
Health topics
… or medicines. It's never too late to start having sex. Many older people who have been celibate for years develop satisfying sex lives. And self-stimulation … and psychological factors can affect sexuality in later years. For example, in today's culture, sexuality is often …
… to treat opioid overdose. Teach your family or household members about the signs of an opioid overdose and how to … or difficulty gaining weight. Children younger than 12 years should not use products that contain tramadol. Children between 12 and 18 years old should not use tramadol after certain surgeries …
Health topics
… picking the right activities Exercise and physical activity ideas Fitness machines Exercise while sitting down Examples …