6331 results found
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Warning Panitumumab has caused …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Warning This product must be …
Health topics
… can appear 15 to 50 years after you had polio. It affects your muscles and nerves, and it causes you to have weakness, … can help control symptoms and help you stay active. Your symptoms may not get worse for many years. Post-polio … weak. If you had polio, you may have gained back the use of your muscles. But the nerves that connect to the muscles …
Health topics
… from the legs, such as from venous insufficiency . Your veins have one-way valves that keep blood flowing … to pool, leading to these ulcers. Some things can increase your risk of venous skin ulcers. These include: Deep vein … area around the wound also may be more tender and red. Call your doctor when you first notice the signs of a venous skin …
Health topics
… atrioventricular (AV) node of the heart. Be sure to talk to your doctor before trying these. Your doctor can show you how to do these procedures safely. Your doctor may recommend that you do these while you lie …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses This product is used to …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses This product is used to …
Health topics
… habits, like smoking. Some chronic diseases change your body chemistry. This can help cause depression. … of the two works best. You can try many things to help yourself when you feel depressed. These things may also help … how you feel. Get support from others. Taking good care of yourself is important as you recover from depression. Be …
Health topics
… the whites of the eyes look yellow. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you may have hepatitis C, he or she will … you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … damage. Long-term hepatitis C often causes tiny scars in your liver. If you have a lot of scars, it becomes hard for …
Health topics
… Growing pains are leg pains that can hurt enough to wake your child at night. Although they can be very painful, they … or calves and in both legs. There may be more pain if your child was more active during the day. The pain goes … pattern of symptoms. If you are unsure about whether your child is having growing pains, talk to your doctor. The …