6331 results found
Health topics
… How is it diagnosed? To diagnose myofascial pain syndrome, your doctor will ask if you have had a recent injury or do any repetitive activities. Your doctor will also ask where the pain is, how long you … other symptoms. You will also have a physical examination. Your doctor will press on different areas to see if the …
Health topics
… You can benefit from physical activity even if you think of yourself as "elderly" or you already have conditions such as … first step—and make that first step a small one. Talk with your doctor if you're worried about how exercise might affect your health. If you're already active, ask your doctor if …
Health topics
… treatment for moles. But some can turn into cancer. Talk to your doctor if a mole bleeds, itches, burns, or changes size or colour. Also let your doctor know if you get a new mole. Make sure to wear … other sun protection every day to help prevent skin cancer. Your doctor may remove a mole in any of these ways: Cutting …
Health topics
… the symptoms? Symptoms of vaginitis may include a change in your normal vaginal discharge (including grey, green, or … pain or bleeding when you have sex. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check your vagina for redness and swelling and will take a sample …
Health topics
… of hearing loss include muffled hearing and a feeling that your ear is plugged. You may have trouble understanding what … at a higher volume than in the past. How is it diagnosed? Your health care provider will do a physical examination and ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor also may look in …
HealthLinkBC files
… vaginal fluid Sharing sex toys Syphilis can also spread to your baby during pregnancy or birth. This is known as … can be transmitted during any of the 4 stages of infection. Your risk of having syphilis is greater if you already have … the primary stage, a painless sore can develop anywhere on your body that came into contact with an infected person. …
HealthLinkBC files
… from person to person (TB disease in the lungs or throat), your health care provider may ask you to stay in home … . What does home isolation mean? Remain in your home and avoid contact with others Take your medicines as directed, eat healthy foods and get plenty …
Health topics
… is done through a cut (incision) the doctor makes in your lower belly. Sometimes it can be done as laparoscopic … or scope, and other surgical tools through small cuts in your lower belly. The doctor is able to see your organs with the scope. If you have a cystectomy, your …
Health topics
… between colic and normal crying? What immunizations does your toddler need? Our topics can help you find the answers … . Croup: Managing a Croup Attack . Thumb-Sucking: Helping Your Child Stop . Ear Infection: Should I Give My Child … 16 Years Birthmarks Biting Blocked Tear Ducts Bonding With Your Baby Bonding With Your Newborn Bottle-Feeding …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses This vaccine is used to …