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Health topics
… Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … Mild: 37.9 °C (100.3 °F) and lower A forehead (temporal) scanner is usually 0.3° C (0.5° F) to 0.6° C (1° F) lower … soon . The problem probably will not get better without medical care. Call your doctor today to discuss the symptoms …
Health topics
… Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms … soon . The problem probably will not get better without medical care. Call your doctor today to discuss the symptoms …
Health topics
… Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … soon . The problem probably will not get better without medical care. Call your doctor today to discuss the symptoms … right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms …
Health topics
… Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms … soon . The problem probably will not get better without medical care. Call your doctor today to discuss the symptoms …
Health topics
… or DTs. Treatment for withdrawal from alcohol requires medical care. The use of alcohol with medicines or drugs may … Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … you concerned that the person is drunk or high and needs medical care now ? Yes Person is intoxicated and may need …
Health topics
… Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … put it in a bag of ice to keep it cool until you can get medical help. Do not put ice or ice water directly on the … right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms …
Health topics
… requires great force. It's a serious injury. It requires medical care right away. Overuse injuries Overuse injuries … Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms …
Health topics
… Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … soon . The problem probably will not get better without medical care. Call your doctor today to discuss the symptoms … right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms …
Health topics
… Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … soon . The problem probably will not get better without medical care. Call your doctor today to discuss the symptoms … right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms …
Health topics
… Male Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts … right away . The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Call your doctor now to discuss the symptoms … soon . The problem probably will not get better without medical care. Call your doctor today to discuss the symptoms …