5901 results found
Health topics
… Calcium and Vitamin D Getting Enough Fibre Getting Enough Folic Acid (Folate) Getting Enough Iron Getting Enough Potassium … Calcium and Vitamin D Getting Enough Fibre Getting Enough Folic Acid (Folate) Getting Enough Iron Getting Enough …
… thrombocytopenia, anemia) HIV infection high uric acid level in the blood radiation treatment Hydroxyurea can … Drug Interactions Drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for serious side … lab appointments. Your doctor may direct you to also take folic acid while you are taking hydroxyurea due to the risk …
Health topics
… the face mask and breathes in desired amount. Narcotic pain medications, such as morphine, fentanyl Side effects May … may vary depending on the medication. In general, narcotic medications make most women feel sleepy and relaxed. … Side effects A woman may react to anaesthesia or other medications during the surgery. This can be dangerous to her …
Health topics
… Do not drink alcohol. Do not take vitamins that contain folic acid, such as prenatal vitamins. Avoid direct sunlight. It … Do not drink alcohol. Do not take vitamins that contain folic acid, such as prenatal vitamins. Avoid direct …
Health topics
… includes trigger point compression and trigger point injections. Trigger point compression is done by a doctor or … are applied after trigger point compression. Trigger point injection involves a shot of local anesthetic into the … includes trigger point compression and trigger point injections. Trigger point compression is done by a doctor or …
Medical tests
… also be seen if the spleen has been taken out. A lack of folic acid or vitamin B12 can also cause anemia, such as … also be seen if the spleen has been taken out. A lack of folic acid or vitamin B12 can also cause anemia, such as …
HealthLinkBC files
… contact. The main ways of passing HCV are: Sharing drug injection equipment such as needles, syringes, straws and … If your antibody test is positive, you need a ribonucleic acid (RNA) test to confirm if you currently have HCV. How is … with few side effects and are easier to take than older medications (no injections). In 8 to 12 weeks, most patients …
Healthy eating
… is a type of arthritis. It occurs when high levels of uric acid cause crystals to form in your joints and soft tissues, … acid or have more difficulty getting rid of it. Certain medications (e.g. diuretics) and medical conditions (e.g. … (mostly through urine). It's important to keep taking your medications. Talk to your doctor before you stop taking any …
Health topics
… in men. What causes it? Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. Usually, having too much uric acid isn't harmful. Many people with high levels in their … when these levels in your blood are too high, the uric acid forms hard crystals in your joints. What are the …
Health topics
… chemicals in a liquid, solid, or gas form, such as acids . Natural foods such as chili peppers, which contain a … below to care for those other types of burns. Carbolic acid or phenol burns . Use isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol first … of water. Do not flush the eye with alcohol. Sulfuric acid burns . Flush with a mild, soapy solution if the burns …