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… Staff Medical Review: Catherine D. Serio PhD - Behavioral Health Brian D. O'Brien MD - Internal Medicine Kathleen … Romito MD - Family Medicine Sue Barton PhD, PsyD - Behavioral Health Christine R. Maldonado PhD - Behavioral Health Current as of: October 20, 2022 Author: …
Health topics
… small amounts of bright red blood on the stool or on the toilet tissue. This is caused by bleeding hemorrhoids or a … problems, such as arthritis , may make sitting on the toilet uncomfortable or painful. If a stool can't pass … Osmotic laxatives (such as Milk of Magnesia or Restoralax) and non-absorbable sugars (such as lactulose or …
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… as they gain a better understanding of concepts like morality, consequence, objectivity, and empathy. They may … as they gain a better understanding of concepts like morality, consequence, objectivity, and empathy. They may …
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… qualities you develop during this phase include: Trust. Morals. Initiative. Work ethic. Identity, or who you are in … qualities you develop during this phase include: Trust. Morals. Initiative. Work ethic. Identity, or who you are in …
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