6268 results found
Health topics
… can be fit into many workplace situations. For example: Use your morning commute to get in some extra walking. Park … distance from your office. Stand and do simple stretches while making phone calls. A speaker phone may help. If you … Staff Medical Review: E. Gregory Thompson MD - Internal Medicine Thomas M. Bailey MD - Family Medicine Adam Husney …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration during which a person becomes less aware … from self-hypnosis. But do not perform self-hypnosis while you are driving a vehicle or are in any situation … of your health practices. Complementary Medicine High Blood Pressure Quitting Smoking …
Health topics
… to do a self-assisted cough. A self-assisted cough is done while you're sitting up in a bed or chair. If you are in a wheelchair, be sure to put the brakes on and use the seat belt. Wait 30 minutes after a meal before you … Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Martin J. Gabica MD - Family Medicine Kathleen …
Health topics
… or deal with a distressing thought. But you do it while in a controlled environment. During this type of therapy, a counsellor helps you while you remember or use your mind to see the feared object or distressing … Staff Medical Review: Anne C. Poinier MD - Internal Medicine Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Christine R. …
Health topics
… nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face causes that side of your face to droop . The nerve damage may … result of a stroke or a transient ischemic attack (TIA) . While stroke and TIA can cause facial paralysis, there is no … affected side of the face. Treatment with corticosteroid medicines (such as prednisone) can make it more likely that …
Health topics
… Overview Your doctor might ask you to use an ambulatory blood pressure monitor after measuring … hours. The device takes your blood pressure automatically while you do your normal daily activities and while you … Staff Medical Review: E. Gregory Thompson MD - Internal Medicine Martin J. Gabica MD - Family Medicine Adam Husney …
Health topics
… Depend or Poise). Some absorbent cloths can be washed and reused. Drip collectors that fit over the penis are also … means. You prefer to use absorbent products rather than medicines or surgery. Absorbent products also may be used: … incontinence until the treatment begins to take effect. While you recover from surgery. During other periods in …
Health topics
… asthma symptoms. Symptoms include: Any shortness of breath while walking, talking, or at rest. Use of the chest muscles to breathe. The skin between, … while you are following your asthma action plan. Using medicine based on your asthma action plan. Talking with a …
Medical tests
… Test Overview An echocardiogram (also called an echo) uses sound waves to make an image of your heart. A device … a video screen. In a stress echocardiogram, an echo is done while your heart is at rest and after your heart is made to … your heart work hard. Sometimes, instead of exercise, a medicine is used that makes your heart respond like you have …
Health topics
… a doctor or mental health professional for counselling, medicine, or both. Depression Depression is the most common … common in adults who experience a divorce or death of a spouse or child. High levels of anxiety Anxiety also is common … Children can also have stress-induced physical problems while grieving. Post-traumatic stress disorder People who …