6266 results found
Health topics
… in people ages 40 to 60, but anyone can have it. What causes it? The cause of Ménière's disease is not known. But it … disease have "drop attacks." A drop attack is a sudden fall while you stand or walk. It occurs without warning. It may … limiting sodium in your diet and reducing stress may help. Medicines Your doctor may prescribe a diuretic medicine. …
Health topics
… physical activity (e.g., brisk walking, cycling and household chores). Aiming for physical activity sessions of 20 … that safely challenge your balance to maximize benefits. While physical activity is generally safe after a stroke, it … little bit of activity can have important health benefits. Useful resources Exercise after Stroke (Heart and Stroke …
Health topics
… Overview Pneumocystis is a fungus that can sometimes cause pneumonia in people who have AIDS. Pneumonia is an … infection in people with AIDS. PCP can be prevented with medicine. If you get PCP, it can be treated. Antibiotics can … plenty of rest and sleep. You may feel weak and tired for a while, but your energy level will improve with time. Drink …
Health topics
… times a day. Postural management is controversial, because it has not been proved effective for turning a breech … empty stomach and bladder and to relax as much as possible while in position. You may need some help getting into the … Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Sarah Marshall MD - Family Medicine Thomas M. Bailey MD - Family Medicine Adam Husney …
Health topics
… vein thrombosis (DVT) , or deep vein blood clot. After a while, this blood clot (usually in your leg), can damage the … to more pressure in the veins. The increased pressure can cause long-term problems such as swelling, skin damage, and … with pain and swelling. If you have sores, you may need medicines and bandages to help the sores heal. Propping up …
Health topics
… tooth is not reimplanted after it has been knocked out because the reimplantation may cause problems with later … listed below. 2. Rinse the tooth gently with tap water while holding it by the top of the tooth ( crown ). Do not … Medical Review: William H. Blahd Jr. MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Kathleen Romito MD …
Medical tests
… middle sections of the gastrointestinal tract . The test uses barium contrast material , fluoroscopy , and X-ray . … (obstruction). Belly pain that is relieved or gets worse while eating. Severe heartburn or heartburn that occurs … doctor will tell you if you need to stop taking certain medicines before the test. The evening before the test, you …
Health topics
… Eclampsia is pregnancy-related seizure activity that is caused by severe pre-eclampsia . Less than 1% of women who … delivery. If you have eclampsia, your doctor will give you medicine (such as magnesium sulfate) to prevent a seizure … the muscles jerk, or convulse, in a rhythmic pattern. While the muscles are jerking, the woman may bite her tongue …
Medical tests
… disease is a problem that happens when gluten in food causes your immune system to attack the lining of your small … being used to help diagnose your symptoms, it must be done while you are still eating foods that contain gluten. So if … Staff Medical Review: Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine E. Gregory …
HealthLinkBC files
… exists all over the world. The bacteria Coxiella burnetii causes Q fever. These bacteria can live for months and even … an inflammation of the heart. People who get Q fever while pregnant are more likely to have a miscarriage. How is … medical treatment. In more severe cases, antibiotics are used to treat Q fever. Who is at risk for Q fever? Q fever …