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6266 results found
Health topics
… on a person's chest and breathing into their mouth. It's used in emergencies when someone's heart stops beating or … for 1 second, and watch to see if the baby's chest rises while keeping the chin tilted. If the chest does not rise, … to know your child's test results and keep a list of the medicines your child takes. Where can you learn more? Go to …
Health features
… tools are available in specific Health Authority regions, while others can be used by everyone in British Columbia, such as Health … to their health records. Anyone 12 years and older can use it. Parents and guardians can also add a dependent in …
Health topics
… Give your teen responsibilities. Assign jobs around the house, such as caring for younger siblings, cooking one night … For example, your teen may do homework with a headset on while lying on the floor of an extremely messy room. You may … Susan C. Kim MD - Pediatrics Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine John Pope MD - Pediatrics Current as of: March 1, …
Health topics
… Down Syndrome On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to … such as a heart or breathing problem. How is it diagnosed? While you are pregnant, an ultrasound and a blood test can … dental problems, or behaviour issues. Your child may need: Medicines. This may include antibiotics for ear infections …
Medical tests
… 30 different drugs at once. These may include prescription medicines, non-prescription medicines (such as aspirin), … up to 3-4 days after a possible overdose. Check for drug use in the workplace. Testing is common for people who work … painful to collect a urine sample. Another person may watch while you collect the sample. This may make you feel …
Health topics
… Rubella is a very contagious (easily spread) illness caused by the rubella virus. It is usually a mild illness. But … treated? Rubella usually gets better with home care. Use medicines to reduce fever and body aches. Do not give … rash first appears. If you're exposed to the rubella virus while pregnant, talk to your doctor. They may give you a …
Health topics
… aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Your doctor will use a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to put in your … stay in the hospital for up to a few days. What To Expect While you are in the hospital, your doctors and nurses will … information from the hospital about diet, activities, and medicine. You will need to have regular checkups with your …
Health topics
… lining of the eye is normally clear and colourless. What causes it? Pink eye is most often caused by a virus. It … of pink eye symptoms can help you feel more comfortable while the infection goes away. Try using a clean, moist cloth to remove crust. Use allergy eyedrops and medicines to reduce symptoms of pink eye caused by …
Health topics
… body. It allows you to rise up on your toes and push off while walking or running. What are some Achilles tendon … in the tissue in and around the tendon. These tears are caused by overuse. This is often called Achilles tendinitis . … Achilles tendinopathy includes rest, over-the-counter pain medicine, and stretching exercises. You may need to wear …
HealthLinkBC files
… Food allergy affects about 3 to 4 adults out of every 100. While care facilities cannot be expected to be completely free of the foods that cause allergic reactions, facilities should make efforts to … reduce the risk of accidental exposures to foods that cause allergic reactions among the residents in care Having a …