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… common in older people. These difficulties can start because of normal aging, medications, dental problems or medical treatments like surgery. They can also start because of health conditions like dementia, Multiple Sclerosis … Hands clutched to throat and other signs of distress while eating, drinking or taking medication Unable to speak …
Health topics
… hit me out of the blue. And then I got heart failure because of my heart attack. So now I had a health problem that … out of breath, I had to stop three times to sit on the curb while I was trying to go around the block." Joan also felt down about being a "heart patient" and all the medicines she needed to take. "I went into this terrible …
Health topics
… hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of changes in time zones, meal schedules, and types of … travel tips When you are travelling: Take extra diabetes medicine, insulin and supplies, high and low blood sugar … altitude air pressure changes if you draw up your insulin while flying. Pack a small disposable container with you to …
Health topics
… foot, or ankle. Most of the time our body movements don't cause problems. But sometimes symptoms develop from everyday … may have had a "charley horse" (muscle cramp) in your foot while lying in bed at night. Your feet or ankles may change … like artificial joints, plates or screws, catheters, and medicine pumps. Yes Diabetes, immune problems, peripheral …
Health topics
… You Can Do to Prevent Medical Errors Prevent Errors With Medicines Prevent Errors in the Hospital Prevent Errors … home treatment, equipment, or lab reports. They are often caused by a lack of good communication. Medical errors may … done on the wrong area of the body. Getting the wrong meal while in the hospital, such as a regular meal when you need …
Health topics
… are very fast and irregular. Ventricular fibrillation may cause cardiac arrest. In cardiac arrest, the heart stops … syndrome, are rare causes of ventricular tachycardia. Some medicines can cause ventricular tachycardia. These include … diagnosed? If an electrocardiogram (EKG, ECG) can be done while ventricular tachycardia is occurring, it often …
Health topics
… conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and depression. While almost everyone feels sleepy in the daytime now and then, sleep debt can be the cause of serious problems like car crashes and work-related … Anxiety, depression, and mania can cause sleep problems. Medicines and other substances. Many medicines can cause
Health topics
… Surgery Overview What To Expect After Surgery Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About … your bladder through your urethra to allow urine to drain while you recover or to teach you to do self-catheterization … slings for stress incontinence. New England Journal of Medicine , 362(22): 2066–2076. Current as of: August …
Health topics
… of coughing you cannot control makes things worse. It causes your airways to close. It also traps the mucus in your … It is best to do it after you use your inhaler or other medicine. Follow these steps for controlled coughing. Sit on … You should be able to feel the hand on your belly move out, while the hand on your chest should not move. When you …
Health topics
… lead to kidney stones and other health problems. What causes it? Hyperparathyroidism often is caused by a growth on … It can also be caused by certain health conditions or medicines. For example, it can be caused by chronic kidney … about possible bone or kidney problems in the future. While medicine can't cure hyperparathyroidism, it may help …