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6265 results found
Health topics
… Overview What is radon? Radon is a radioactive gas that causes cancer. Radon is found in rock, soil, water, some … once. It is usually safe to live in the home or building while the radon is being vented, but you may want to confirm … Staff Medical Review: Anne C. Poinier MD - Internal Medicine Donald Sproule MDCM, CCFP - Family Medicine Adam …
Health topics
… below. Immediately after your surgery General anesthesia is used during the CABG procedure, so you may be unconscious … up depends on a number of things. For example, additional medicines to control complications during or after your surgery may keep you unconscious longer. While you are still unconscious, you will probably be taken …
Health topics
… especially those that supply the eyes, temple, and jaw. Because it often affects the artery in the temple, it is also … and stiffness in the neck, shoulder, and hip area. The same medicines are used to treat both conditions. What causes it? … relapse, your doctor will increase the steroid dosage for a while. Then you can slowly lower it after your symptoms go …
Health topics
… level can get too high. If it's high for too long, it can cause symptoms and can lead to serious problems, such as … causes it? The most common cause is using corticosteroid medicines , such as prednisone, for a long time. These … lower your dose or gradually stop taking it. It may take a while for the symptoms to go away. Do not stop taking …
Health topics
… important to rule out a serious illness that may have caused the seizure. Causes of seizures Epilepsy is a nervous … problems). Withdrawal from alcohol, prescription medicine, or illegal drugs . An infection, such as … the right questions for you. Did your child have a seizure while he or she had a fever? Yes Fever at time of seizure No …
Health topics
… floor. Move furniture and electrical cords out of the way. Use non-skid floor wax, and wipe up spills right away. Keep … near your door where you can place packages and groceries while you close the door and get ready to put things away. … ear problem. Or you may be having a side effect from a medicine that you take. Have your vision and hearing checked …
Health topics
… For instance, kids should be taking 16,500 steps in a day, while healthy, older adults should be aiming for 6000 to … a pedometer. Pedometers are small, inexpensive, easy-to-use devices that clip to your waistband and track the number … the dog or get off the bus a couple of stops before your house. Take the stairs wherever possible, or organize a …
Health topics
… What is botulism? Botulism is caused by the Clostridium botulinum ( C. botulinum ) bacterium. The bacteria produce a nerve toxin that can cause paralysis. Food-borne botulism can be fatal and is … oils with garlic or herbs and serve baked potatoes while they are still hot. Do not give honey to children …
Health topics
… can help you get back some strength and mobility. What causes it? Most hip fractures are caused by falls. As you get … metal screws, rods, or plates to hold the bone together while it heals. This surgery is usually chosen if the bones … Walking is a good choice. If your doctor prescribes medicine to slow osteoporosis, take it as directed. Don't …
Health topics
… or twice a year. Keep the dentist up to date on any new medicines you are taking. Eat healthy foods. Eat a balanced … arthritis sometimes have trouble brushing their teeth because they can't easily hold the toothbrush. Their hands and … fit. A denture adhesive may help hold them in place for a while. But dentures that fit well shouldn't need an …