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6266 results found
Health topics
… type of blister. Other types of injuries to the skin can cause a blister. They include: Burns from exposure to heat, … like blisters and rashes. Blisters may also be caused by medicines. Sometimes they may be caused by a prescription or … the next 1 to 2 weeks. If appropriate, try home treatment while you are waiting for the appointment. If symptoms get …
Healthy eating
… weighs 80kg (176 lbs) needs about 64 g of protein each day while an adult who weighs 65kg (143 lbs) needs about 52g of …
Health topics
… surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome. Don't have surgery. Use rest, ice, medicine, wrist splints, and new ways to do some tasks. Key … has a major problem after surgery, such as nerve damage, while 99 out of 100 people don't. footnote 4 What can you do …
Health topics
… reaction, a larger local reaction, or one that caused swelling and redness to much of your body but did not … if you have an autoimmune disease or take certain kinds of medicines (such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors). Allergy … So it may help to bring a book or something to distract you while you wait. Rush immunotherapy is usually done by a …
Health topics
… before the peel. How a peel is done You may be given pain medicine before having the treatment. Your skin will be … before being removed. (You may feel a little stinging while the chemical is on your skin.) Water or a cool compress will be used to end the chemical reaction. Ointment and a dressing …
Health topics
… to many health problems. Weight Management: Should I Use Over-the-Counter Diet Aids? Actionsets are designed to … if your weight is raising your risk for health problems. It uses a formula to compare how much you weigh with how tall … Fat distribution. Men tend to store fat in the belly, while women store more in the hips and thighs. As women age, …
Health topics
… from a strict regimen of meals, sleep, and exercise, because you can program it to match your changing schedule. … to stay in the hospital, or spend a whole day at a clinic, while you learn how to use your pump. Setting your basal … Primary Medical Reviewer E. Gregory Thompson MD - Internal Medicine Primary Medical Reviewer Anne C. Poinier MD - …
Health topics
… Smoking just sped it up," says Alan, 73. "It happened while I was playing basketball with some guys from work. I … credits Cloris with giving him the help he needs to stay focused on taking care of his heart. But he also relies on a … know. "We ask them about what they're going through, what medicines they're taking. And we share information about how …
Medical tests
… into the bone ( closed or needle biopsy ). A numbing medicine ( local anesthetic ) is used to prevent pain during this procedure. Intravenous (IV) … a special test of your bone tissue (frozen section) is done while you are having an open biopsy. The bone taken for a …
Health topics
… not they have a high risk for infection. Some STIs don't cause symptoms, or they can cause symptoms that go away. So … age 25. Have a current STI or a history of STIs. Have sex while using alcohol or drugs. Trade sex for drugs or money. … Staff Primary Medical Reviewer Sarah Marshall MD - Family Medicine Primary Medical Reviewer Brian D. O'Brien MD - …