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6266 results found
Health topics
… Diabetic Retinopathy On this page: Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When … vessels are weak. They can break open very easily, even while you are sleeping. If they break open, blood can leak … blindness. How is it treated? Surgery, laser treatment, or medicine may help slow the vision loss caused by diabetic …
Health topics
… A cold, influenza (flu), or other sudden illness can cause high blood sugar levels. You will learn to recognize the … low blood sugar levels. Insulin and some types of diabetes medicines can cause low blood sugar levels. Learn how to … the next 1 to 2 weeks. If appropriate, try home treatment while you are waiting for the appointment. If symptoms get …
Health topics
… younger than 50 are at a lower risk for breast cancer. Because of this, women ages 50 to 70 are more likely to benefit … Will briefly expose you to very small amounts of radiation. While the risk from being exposed to radiation from a … Staff Primary Medical Reviewer Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Primary Medical Reviewer Kathleen Romito MD - …
Health topics
… some crucial skills, such as how to make friends. They can use these skills for the rest of their lives. Children this … match the sex they were assigned at birth. This can cause distress . This is a time of trial and error. Children … now and then. Try to encourage your child's independence while you show your unconditional love. A child who feels …
Health topics
… moving into a newly built home. These symptoms can be caused by exposure to toxic chemicals. For example: Those … and pain when taking a deep breath, and breathing problems while exercising. Permanent lung damage from repeated … is a high level of exposure. Silicosis can't be cured, but medicines can help manage the symptoms and treat problems …
Health topics
… brain development between the ages of 12 and 24 months causes amazing changes to happen—such as talking, walking, and … directions are expressions of the inner struggles they have while trying to become more independent. Toddlers don't … happen. For example, if you are going to leave grandma's house soon, start waving "bye-bye" to people and toys about 10 …
Health topics
… Child Abuse and Neglect On this page: Overview What Increases Your … Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview How Child Abuse Is Reported Overview What is child … sexually abused have physical symptoms, such as: Discomfort while sitting or using the toilet. Genital or anal pain or …
Health topics
… Overview Overview A clinical trial is done to find out if a medicine or treatment is safe and works well for treating a certain condition or disease. A medicine or treatment must go through three phases before it is approved for use by the Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD) of Health …
Health topics
… therapy (ART) is the combination of several antiretroviral medicines used to slow the rate at which HIV makes copies of itself … in the body. A combination of three or more antiretroviral medicines is more effective than using just one medicine
Health topics
… Ayurveda On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic medicine, is a healthy-lifestyle system that people in India … dietary changes) and the use of herbal remedies. Ayurvedic medicine is holistic, which means viewing the body and mind …