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6318 results found
Health topics
… you have while you are pregnant. Then your health problems can be checked quickly. Many minor problems of pregnancy can … blood sugar levels, and maybe taking insulin shots or oral medicines to keep blood sugar levels within a target range. … during vaginal childbirth. If passed to your baby, it can cause a serious bacterial infection. During your third …
HealthLinkBC files
… more than 20 types of rodents in British Columbia, only 3 cause common domestic or farmyard problems. This includes … the: House mouse Norway rat Black rat (roof rat) What harm can rodents cause? Rats and mice can cause significant property damage because they chew on …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese What is shigellosis? Shigellosis is an infection caused by Shigella bacteria. These bacteria live in the … of shigellosis? The symptoms of shigellosis include fever, diarrhea that may contain blood and/or mucous, stomach … get better. How does shigellosis spread? Shigella bacteria can be found in the stool of infected people. The bacteria …
HealthLinkBC files
… common symptom associated with Cryptosporidium infection is diarrhea. The number of people who have gotten sick because of Cryptosporidium infection in B.C. has decreased in recent years. How can I become infected with Cryptosporidium ? Cryptosporidium …
Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Depression: Should I … is a health problem, not a character flaw or weakness. The medicines won't change your personality. Antidepressants … of the following symptoms: A change in eating patterns that causes either weight gain or weight loss Sleeping too much …
HealthLinkBC files
… exists all over the world. The bacteria Coxiella burnetii causes Q fever. These bacteria can live for months and even years in dust or soil. What are … like goats, sheep, cattle, cats, birds, dogs and ticks can carry the Q fever bacteria in their flesh and body …
HealthLinkBC files
… What is malaria? Malaria is a very serious disease caused by different Plasmodium species. These tiny parasites can get into your bloodstream and multiply after a bite by … of malaria can include: Headache Abdominal (stomach) pain Diarrhea Chills or sweats Shaking Fever Nausea and vomiting …
Health topics
… Diverticulitis On this page: Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to … of the colon and then become inflamed or infected. This can cause tenderness, cramps, or pain in the belly. Not … symptoms of diverticulitis starts with antibiotics, pain medicines, and diet changes. You can try home treatment, …
Health topics
… cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis is a diarrheal disease caused by the Cryptosporidium parvum parasite, also referred … pools, hot tubs, fountains, lakes, rivers, ponds or streams can also carry crypto. Crypto is chlorine-resistant and can … by diarrhea is the most common complication. Do not use medicines to prevent diarrhea until you ask your health care …
Health topics
… is shigellosis? Shigellosis is a type of foodborne illness caused by infection with the Shigella bacterium. It is more … their hands with soap after using the toilet. Vegetables can be contaminated if they are harvested from a field that … by diarrhea is the most common complication. Do not use medicines to prevent diarrhea. To prevent dehydration, take …