6318 results found
Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Stroke Prevention: … options Have a carotid artery procedure along with taking medicines and having a heart-healthy lifestyle to help … piece of plaque or a blood clot could move to the brain and cause a stroke . How can you reduce your risk of stroke? …
Health topics
… Strategies Alcohol can be a part of many people's lives and may have a place in … of alcohol for one person may be too much for another. Because of things like age, sex, weight, and health history, … breastfeed. You're taking over-the-counter or prescription medicines that interact with alcohol, such as acetaminophen …
Health topics
… per day than what is usually recommended for your age. How can you get more potassium? Here are some ways to get more … level that is too high or too low can be serious. It may cause symptoms such as muscle cramps or weakness, nausea, … including how well your kidneys are working and certain medicines. Chronic Kidney Disease Heart …
Health topics
… you or make you sick if you are exposed to it. Poisons can be found everywhere, from simple household cleaners to cosmetics to houseplants to industrial chemicals. Even medicines that are taken in the wrong dose, at the wrong time, or by the wrong person can cause a toxic effect. Poisonous substances can hurt you if …
Healthy eating
… 7% of babies and young children have food allergy. Children can outgrow some food allergies. The foods that cause food allergy most often are called common food … Although less common, vomiting, sometimes together with diarrhea, can also occur hours later. Severe symptoms of an …
Health topics
… They may also have jaundice, infection, or anemia. What causes preterm birth? Preterm birth can be caused by a problem with the fetus, the mother, or … heart rate, body temperature, and uterine contractions. Medicines. You can refuse pain medicine during preterm …
Health topics
… the pain and help you function better. Opioids or other medicines that contain them include: Codeine (Tylenol 3). Hydromorphone (Dilaudid). Oxycodone (Oxyneo). Can you get addicted to opioids? Opioid use disorder means that a person uses opioids even though it causes harm to themselves or others. Moderate to severe …
Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Insomnia: Should I Take … sleep problems with only lifestyle changes. Insomnia can be caused by menopause or problems such as depression , anxiety … You may have withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking the medicines. FAQs What is insomnia? Insomnia is a problem with …
Health topics
… About This Medicine Make sure you know about each of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, and any warnings about … General information about side effects All medicines can cause side effects. Many people don't have side effects. And …
Health topics
… help you eat less and feel full sooner. This procedure can be done in two ways: By making several small cuts and … before they are ready to get back to their usual routine. Because the surgery makes your stomach smaller, you will get … too quickly and lead to dumping syndrome. This can cause diarrhea and make you feel faint, shaky, and nauseated. It …