6317 results found
Health topics
… running and chasing and playground games. Active free play can also be more affordable and easier to fit into busy … of primary school. Playing organized sports and activities can be good for children in lots of ways. For example, it … family lifestyle includes limits on daily screen time, because children are generally physically inactive during …
Health topics
… drugs, illicit opioids are often available too. You can help your children make healthy choices by openly … opioids, how they affect the body, and why people use them, can help in having a meaningful conversation with your adult … to self-medicate various kinds of pain. Others use them because they trigger the reward/pleasure pathway in the brain …
Health topics
… Morning sickness has usually improved by this time, and you can still move around easily. The risk of miscarriage or … Pregnancy Travel Health Citations American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2018). Air … W. David Colby IV MSc, MD, FRCPC - Infectious Disease American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2018). Air …
Health topics
… will hold nearby veins so they don't bulge into the anal canal. The procedure is done in a doctor's office. You will … to numb them. The procedure takes about 30 minutes. You can go home when it's done. Some people are able to return … treatments, surgery may be considered. Rubber band ligation cannot be used if there is not enough tissue to pull into …
Health topics
… not ill at the time of surgery. Why It Is Done This surgery can be done for most patients who have ulcerative colitis. … not work normally. For some people who have colon or rectal cancer. Learn more Ulcerative Colitis: Should I Have … not ill at the time of surgery. Why It Is Done This surgery can be done for most patients who have ulcerative colitis. …
Health topics
… serious health problems. TUIP involves less blood loss and can be done more quickly than TURP. Want to avoid the risk … serious health problems. TUIP involves less blood loss and can be done more quickly than TURP. Want to avoid the risk …
Health topics
… studies of real-life usage. footnote 1 , footnote 2 You can improve on the real-life failure rate of birth control … studies of real-life usage. footnote 1 , footnote 2 You can improve on the real-life failure rate of birth control …
Health topics
… having trouble conceiving. Knowing when you're most fertile can help. Every month, there are about five days when you can get pregnant. Ovulation dates can vary widely. So can the indicators. You may feel a brief …
Health features
… in specific Health Authority regions, while others can be used by everyone in British Columbia, such as Health … access to their health records. Anyone 12 years and older can use it. Parents and guardians can also add a dependent in Health Gateway to see …
Health topics
… than 40 and have no known risk factors for glaucoma , the Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS) recommends that you … that has been over-treated. Have been taking corticosteroid medicines. Have migraines, Raynaud syndrome, or sleep apena. Because people with glaucoma may have normal pressures in …