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Health topics
… likely to have a cold injury, especially hypothermia , because: Their normal body temperature may decrease with age. They can't regulate their body temperature as well. They do not … such as psoriasis . They are more likely to be using medicines that may affect their response to cold. They may …
Health topics
Health topics
… in a clinic that is far away from your home, and you can't come in once a week for months. You are about to … in a clinic that is far away from your home, and you can't come in once a week for months. You are about to …
Health topics
Health topics
… team, including the anesthesiologist. This doctor gives you medicines to put you to sleep for the surgery and control … works and make note of any allergies you might have to medicines. You'll get a sedative to make you feel more … saline fluid (to keep you hydrated), anesthesia, and other medicines through your IV line before, during, and after …
Health topics
… the condition What was the prescribed treatment? What medicines (including prescription, over-the-counter, herbs, … the medicine for? Does my child have any new allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances? Yes ___ No ___ If … have a record, ask your doctor for one. Bring a list of all medicines your child is taking, or bring the medicines with …