6319 results found
Health topics
… and vaginal, oral, and anal sex. If you're pregnant, you can also spread them to your baby before or during the birth. STIs are common. But they don't always cause symptoms. And if they are not treated, they can lead to health problems. Testing and treatment are …
Health topics
… a spermatocele doesn't affect a man's fertility. What causes it? Although the cause of a spermatocele is often … enlargement of your scrotum. Symptoms, when present, can include pain, swelling, or redness of the scrotum or a … solid masses that may be caused by other problems, such as cancer of the testicle. Spermatoceles are filled with fluid, …
Health topics
… which a portion of nerve tissue is destroyed or removed to cause an interruption in pain signals and reduce pain in that area. Nerve ablation can be done in different ways. For example, it can be done using heat, cold, or chemicals. What the …
Health topics
… Heart rates of more than 100 beats per minute (tachycardia) can be caused by: Exercise or stress. This fast heart rate usually … returns to normal. Medicine side effects, especially asthma medicines. Heavy smoking, alcohol, or too much caffeine or …
Health topics
… often in the esophagus , get swollen and break open. It's caused by a condition called portal hypertension. Portal … the walls of these enlarged veins become thinner. This can cause veins to rupture and bleed. What puts you at risk? … challenging and may include endoscopic therapy as well as medicines. Two types of endoscopic procedures are: …
Medical tests
… find out if you have a problem that affects how well you can see. They measure the eye's ability to see details at … on the nerve layer ( retina ) at the back of the eye. This causes blurred vision. Refraction is done as a routine part … your child co-operate better during the real testing. Many medicines may affect the results of vision tests. Be sure to …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Pericardiocentesis is done to find the cause of fluid buildup around the heart and to relieve … fungi , or viruses), white blood cells , sugar (glucose), cancer cells, and other substances. Pericardiocentesis may … pressure on the heart. The pressure from excess fluid can prevent normal filling of the heart, which can reduce …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done A test for magnesium is done to: Find a cause for nerve and muscle problems, such as muscle … treatment. Look for changes in magnesium levels caused by medicines, such as diuretics . See if people who have heart problems need extra magnesium. Low magnesium levels can increase the chances of life-threatening heart rhythm …
Health topics
… Measles is a very contagious (easily spread) infection that causes a rash all over your body. It is also called rubeola. … has it coughs, sneezes, or shares food or drinks. The virus can travel through the air. This means that you can get measles if you are near someone who has the virus …
Health topics
… age. They are benign, which means they aren't a type of cancer. The way they look may bother you, but they aren't … skin growths often appear on the back or chest, but they can occur on any part of the body. They grow slowly and … or after taking estrogen . Children seldom have them. What causes seborrheic keratoses? Experts don't know what causes …