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Health topics
… and acute kidney injury (also known as acute renal failure) cause the kidneys to lose their ability to filter and remove … your body. There are different types of hemodialysis. It can be done in a hospital or centre or at home. If it's at … function. For this reason, it's important to take your medicines as instructed and follow your eating plan. …
Health topics
… grow into the muscular tissue of the uterine wall. This can cause painful, heavy periods and chronic pelvic pain. What … not cause any symptoms. But when symptoms are present, they can include: Heavy or prolonged menstrual periods …
Health topics
… Overview Many of the diseases ticks pass to humans can cause flu-like symptoms, including: Fever. Headache. Muscle … may cause other tick-borne diseases, such as South African tick-bite fever . A doctor can evaluate the cause of …
Medical tests
… a pain in your shoulder. This is called referred pain. It's caused by pain that travels along a nerve near the biopsy … need to lie on your right side for an hour or two. This can help stop bleeding in the part of your liver where the … may be cancelled. If your doctor told you to take your medicines on the day of the procedure, take them with only a …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Worry and anxiety can develop after a major loss. Anxiety is a general feeling … generally anxious (called free-floating anxiety). Anxiety can cause physical symptoms, such as an upset stomach or a …
Health topics
… Overview Nosebleeds that recur often are commonly caused by bleeding from the front of the nose (anterior … such as colds or allergies. Minor injuries to the nose. Medicines. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all … the tissue of the nose and sinuses. Recurring nosebleeds can also be caused by: Rupture of the blood vessels that are …
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started Most people who have angina can manage their symptoms. This includes knowing when to rest and taking medicine such as nitroglycerin. You can also try modifying your daily activities to help prevent … Know when to stop and rest. If an activity or exercise causes angina, stop and rest to relieve your symptoms. Be …
Health topics
… Information Overview It is common to feel sad about changes caused by the stroke. Sometimes the injury to the brain from the stroke can cause depression. If you think you might be depressed, … The sooner you know if you are depressed, the sooner you can get treatment. Treatment can help you feel better. Your …
Health topics
… than in females. Colour blindness that you are born with can't be treated or corrected. But you can learn ways to adapt to being colour blind. What causes it? Most colour vision problems are inherited … retinopathy. Injury to the eye. Side effects of some medicines. What are the symptoms? The symptoms of colour …
Health topics
… labrum that is injured, or torn, in a SLAP injury . What causes it? A shoulder SLAP tear is when the labrum frays or … exactly where it is. How is it diagnosed? A SLAP tear can be hard to identify, because there are so many other things that can cause shoulder pain and because SLAP tears are not …