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Health topics
… any changes in vision that you notice. Follow-up treatment can make a big difference in keeping your vision for the … photocoagulation is done to reduce the risk of vision loss caused by diabetic retinopathy. It is most often used to … for macular edema caused by non-proliferative retinopathy can help restore lost vision.) Laser photocoagulation may be …
Health topics
… body doesn't have enough red blood cells ( anemia ). Anemia can make you feel weak and tired. What causes it? You can get folate deficiency anemia if: You … had certain types of weight-loss surgery. You take certain medicines, such as an anti-seizure medicine like phenytoin. …
Health topics
… Kidney (Renal Cell) Cancer On this page: Health Tools Symptoms … carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer. What causes it? Experts aren't sure what causes kidney cancer. … It may be given in several ways. Targeted therapy. These medicines attack only cancer cells, not normal cells. They …
Health topics
… Overview Try to avoid hand and wrist movements that can cause pain and other symptoms. Keep your wrists straight or … your grip. Gripping with only the thumb and index finger can stress the wrist. Whenever possible, use your whole hand …
Health topics
… to help relieve your symptoms. A direct blow to the eye can damage the eyeball, the supporting muscles and … Deformity of the bony eye socket that does not appear to be caused by swelling alone. Numbness around the eye. Abnormal … injured person is wearing contact lenses. A blow to the eye can break (fracture) the bones of the eye socket (eye …
Health topics
… considered to be stress-related. Sleep disorders are also a cause of bruxism. The negative effects of bruxism include: … body to process stress. Relaxation skills and activities can also make a big difference in how stress affects your body and mind. Bruxism related to sleep disorders can be treated with a low dose of antidepressant. Hypnosis, …
Health topics
… Information Overview Some babies bite during teething , because they feel discomfort or pain. The most common symptoms … at the site of the erupting tooth. Increased saliva, which can cause drooling. Drooling may cause a rash to develop on … because of the discomfort. Solid teething rings or teethers can help ease your baby's discomfort from teething. Many …
Health topics
… disease, your blood doesn't clot well. This happens because you don't have a certain protein in your blood. Or you … clot by helping the platelets stick together. The disease can range from mild to severe. It is mild in most people. It … Instead, it seems to be caused by certain diseases or medicines that decrease the amount of von Willebrand protein …
Health topics
… supplies blood to the brain. Most brain aneurysms don't cause problems. Sometimes an aneurysm bursts, or ruptures. … ( atherosclerosis ) and aging. Some risk factors that can lead to brain aneurysms can be controlled, and others can't. The following risk …
Health topics
… illness that affects the blood vessels. The symptoms can be severe for several days. But with treatment, most children return to normal activities. Kawasaki disease can harm the coronary arteries, which carry blood to the … not spread from child to child (is not contagious). What causes it? Experts don't know what causes the disease. The …