6319 results found
Health topics
… adults fall and hurt themselves. Falls are one of the main causes of injury and disability in people age 65 and older. … by hazards that are easy to overlook. But these hazards can also be easy to fix. This checklist helps you find … cords or lamp or phone cords) next to the wall so you can't trip over them. If you need another power outlet, have …
Medical tests
… That tube is put through the vagina and into the uterus. Because the uterus and the fallopian tubes are connected, the … passes through the uterus and fallopian tubes. The pictures can show problems such as an injury or abnormal structure of … Tell your doctor about any allergies that you have and any medicines you take. Your doctor will tell you if you should …
Health topics
… intestine has folded into itself , like a telescope. This can happen anywhere along the intestinal tract. It usually … needs to be treated right away. If not treated, it can cause life-threatening problems, such as an infection ( …
Health topics
… Myofascial pain often goes away with treatment. What causes it? Experts don't know exactly what causes myofascial … behavioural therapy (CBT) . Cognitive behavioural therapy can teach you how to change your negative thoughts about … such as ibuprofen or aspirin. Or your doctor may recommend medicines you can put on your skin, such as lidocaine …
Medical tests
… to see if they show signs of infection. Bacterial vaginosis can happen when certain types of bacteria that are normally in the vagina overgrow. It doesn't always cause symptoms. But the most common symptom is an increase … doctor may ask you not to douche, have sex, or use vaginal medicines for 24 hours before this test. How It Is Done You …
Medical tests
… by women themselves, often by chance. Breast lumps can be non-cancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). Breast cancer … to remember. A breast self-examination normally doesn't cause any discomfort. If your breasts are tender because …
Health topics
… important for relationships. And the fear of having sex because of back pain can be a big problem. If your sex life has suffered because … people have faced this problem. And there are steps you can take to deal with it. Talk to your doctor. This can be …
Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Sleep Apnea: Should I … remember It's important to treat obstructive sleep apnea, because sleep apnea makes you more likely to have high blood … that make sleep apnea more likely include: Taking certain medicines or drinking alcohol before bed. Sleeping on your …
Health topics
… that puts stress, strain, or pressure on your bladder. It can happen when you cough, laugh, strain, lift something, or change position. What causes stress incontinence in men? Stress incontinence can … of urine. Biofeedback can help you improve control too. Medicines may also be used. An antidepressant medicine …
Health topics
… is the most serious complication of contact lens wear and can cause blindness. Bacterial keratitis is the most common type … in people who wear the lenses overnight. Even though Health Canada has approved some extended-wear lenses for 30-day …