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6319 results found
Health topics
… same day. Recovery time is about 3 weeks. You most likely can return to light activity after 3 weeks. Strenuous … until after 6 weeks of recovery. Don't do anything that causes pain. You'll probably be able to drive again in about 2 weeks or when you have no pain in your groin. You can have sexual intercourse in about 3 weeks. Swelling over …
… increase the risk for a heart attack or stroke. This effect can happen at any time while taking this drug but is more … or after heart bypass surgery (CABG). This drug may rarely cause serious (rarely fatal) bleeding from the stomach or … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Products that may …
Health topics
… are present at birth or develop shortly after birth. They can be many different sizes, shapes, and colours, including … are present at birth and are usually brown in colour. They can appear anywhere on the body and can be different shapes … in groups. Large moles may need to be closely watched because they can become cancerous later in life. Café-au-lait …
Health topics
… a close-up image of the joint to a TV screen. The surgeon can insert surgical tools through the arthroscope to do … a diet of liquid and soft foods. Why It Is Done Arthroscopy can also be used to flush out the joint (lavage) or to … This can be especially helpful to people who have TMDs caused by rheumatoid arthritis . Arthroscopy can be used to …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Hearing loss caused by noise can occur in people of any age. Whether a noise is harmful … on how loud it is and how long you're around it. Noise can affect hearing in several ways. On-the-job …
Health topics
… than being straight. The spine also may be twisted. What causes it? In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is not … the other, your child may need an X-ray so the spinal curve can be measured. How is scoliosis treated? Mild cases of … time, have your child talk to a counsellor. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. If …
Health topics
… heart failure , symptoms start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your body. Shortness … or impossible to distinguish it from shortness of breath caused by other health problems such as emphysema or severe anemia. Your doctor can help you determine why you have been feeling short of …
Health topics
… Overview Is it okay to drive if you have an arrhythmia? You can drive with an arrhythmia as long as it doesn't cause symptoms that make it dangerous for you to drive. If … for a short time. Your doctor will let you know when you can drive again. Your doctor might follow these guidelines: …
Health topics
… Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood sugar quickly. It can be given as a shot or as a powder that's sprayed into … Give some glucose tablets or quick-sugar food such as hard candy or juice when the person is alert and able to swallow. … they should talk to a doctor to try to find out what caused the low blood sugar. Some causes include too much …
Medical tests
… back of the eye , which is called the fundus. The doctor can also see other structures in the eye. The doctor uses a … the size of a small flashlight. It has many lenses that can magnify up to about 15 times. Indirect ophthalmoscopy. … conditions or diseases that damage the eye. Look for the cause of symptoms, such as headaches. Find other problems or …